Striking Steel and Memories of the Sky completion tags not registering for achievement. questlines have been completed. ran script /run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(82813)) and shows false even though the quest was completed. for memories of the sky, dont have the quest number for stiking steel.
Could be something launch related. Earthen allied race achieve isn’t popping either because we’re still in EA, I’m assuming.
Could also be an exit game come back in problem. I noticed I got an ensemble that was missing a piece until I logged.
Hi Ravenholdt character.
Welcome to Wyrmrest Accord server forum.
Please tell us about your RP character.
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Last I saw, I think it was Gen Chat in the zone that some of the helloween quests are locked behind weeklies and some other things that haven’t opened up yet.
Using the magic at my disposal, I will make these locks disappear sometime today. You’re welcome
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I raise my hands into the air to give my spirit energy to goku so he can spirit bomb the locks away
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