Alright thanks, I miss understood. Still a wonky system tbh. I have had a authenticator since cata just strange Blizz enforces double authentication or locks out game play perks. Seems unfair imho.
I agree, but suppose it’s a way to keep out most of the advertisement groups.
They seem to get through all the same, though, so I don’t know how much it actually accomplishes at cost to us.
I use an off brand service which basically resells Verizon and other carries service.
It’s a pay as you use service and I don’t use a lot so my monthly bill is around $12.
What’s Verizons cheapest plan? And if the off brand I use can make money selling the service to me for $12 a month and Verizon is making money selling that service to the off brand, What exactly are you paying for?
From a lot of the threads that hit the Customer Support forum, it’s not strictly tied to the carrier. It’s the phone number itself that gets flagged (not by Blizz) as unusable.