only have had time to test ptr the first week and i’ve been too busy since.
did they revert the stupid rage issue or what?
Its dead, they said they killed it so people with arthritis would play it.
It’s slower. If you enjoyed the constant button mashing with tons of rage to dump most of the time you will probably not be happy with the changes. It’s not dumpstered… Just slower.
Aren’t there a ton of other specs that have high APM?
I don’t understand why Blizz seems laser focused on Prot for a “slow down”
Oh well, I guess they had to start somewhere?
i’m not sure if “slower” is the only word I’ would use for this.
I’d say it was gimped too. We need high mitigation to survive tons of dmg but we also have to be able to generate threat.
We do this from having lots of procs of shield slam. Ugh…these people DO NOT play the game.
Colossus Prot is dead. Blizzard didn’t care that Mountain Thane and Colossus play two completely different ways and did a foolish knee jerk up to 50% rage generated nerf to warriors and while yes it slows Mountain Thane down it completely destroyed Colossus. On top of Colossus getting a secondary nerf in the execute phase. Blizzard just don’t play warrior that much is clear.
Honestly I haven’t done much PTR testing this build (Irl/other games to play instead), I’ve noticed you keep saying it’s Dead though. I get there would be a solid rage income reduction which would effect Colossus a lot more negatively than Thane so I’m not disputing that however I’d like to know more specifics of what your testing has brought forward.
But what build are you running on the PTR?
Is it dummy only testing, or have you taken it into keys too?
Have you tried the Set bonus and changing the build around it to suit if testing in keys?
Basically right now I’ve got two warriors I’m testing Colossus prot on the PTB. This Worgen with a haste build and my Dracthyr warrior with pure crit. Even with my haste capped the slowdown on the PTB compared to live is really rough on Colossus as you have times where currently you would be spending rage with Revenge but now you have dead periods where you are simply out of rage and waiting for a chance to use something to build up more rage. And it feels even worse on the crit build. Colossus Prot was built around you using Revenge thanks to the talent that that buffs its dmg while you have stacks of Colossal Might. Yes you still use SB and IP for times of incoming dmg but your main spender of rage tends to be Revenge. It’s being taken away and even worse you are suffering a double nerf on Colossus Prot as the Execute phase was a nice way to buff your Revenge dmg but no more as for some reason Blizzard took that away and is leaving us with only MS and Cleave against 3 targets generating stacks of CM now. Single target bosses and your only choice is MS on a 5 second cooldown giving you a standard of 50 seconds to build all ten stacks when Demolish is a 45 second cooldown. It is taking a tank spec and throwing it out the window in terms of fun and feeling like a spec you can tank with.
Ok, but that hasn’t answered a single question posed.
What talent build are YOU testing with right now? You can link back the build by having tilda at both sides of the URL.
Dummy or Keys? As in are you just hitting training dummies or are you testing the spec in dungeons with rage from hits taken into account or are you just hitting combat dummies where you’re not getting any additional rage from being hit.
It’s 2:36 in the morning I’m not posting fully awake but it was instances I was testing on. I can stream it another day if you would like to discuss it when I’m not in bed on my phone.
That’s fair, I’m just mostly curious on the build then. Since I’ve made a few adjustments to the build I use for speed tanking 10s on live atm that might counteract some of the ‘nerf’ but haven’t had the time to put it in practice on the PTR yet.
Which was something along the lines of the following
Go get your snooze on.
Will do and I can test your build too
Looking over your build now that I’m not dead tired just got one question why spear over Thunderous Roar? The CC on spear or something else?
I see the 20 rage generated on it but on a min and a half cooldown is that really worth it?
It’s a holdover from the live build below I’m mostly using when I do end up tanking a random last minute weekly key.
The crit dmg amp works well in setting up some solid direct damage which has provided some decent overalls as a tank. Although those 3 points from the projected PTR build can easily be swapped to TR and the following with the updated tree or even Piercing challenge moved to base TR.
Got you I’m a personal fan of TR but like I said I’ll peek at your build and see how it runs on stream later today.
I get some nasty overalls on live at 1.4mil dps pre circlet and with a 626 pair of 1h/shield to boot, with the live build anyway.
Going live now on Twitch. Just look up AsheruSwiftwind.
Never mind Blizzard took down the PTB so much for that idea.
Here is what I am using Greil on the PTB. The latest changes do feel a little better but Im still running into down times where I have nothing to press. It feels better than the last build where I was rage starved the whole time.
h ttps://