The world quest Calming the Land is currently bugged causing the extra action button to be filled with a ability Summon Cleansing Totem regardless of where you are, including instanced areas. This caused my group to be soft locked when a player picked up an orb to throw into the goal during the introduction phase of the Crawth fight. The player was not able to use the extra action button to throw the ball due to the bugged Summon Cleansing Totem and no additional orbs spawn. The bugged player tried relogging but the orb that was being carried simply disappeared and we were softlocked unable to start the boss encounter. Leaving the instance and reentering also didn’t restart this now uncompletable section so we had to reset the whole instance and start over. So I see two issues here. First is that it is strange that acquiring a new special action button doesn’t override a previous one. It’s not a problem if you assume a player will not have one like in normal circumstances, but when a bug is present like it currently is its a major issue. Second issue is this part of the Algeth’ar Academy where you must score 3 goals to start the Crawth boss encounter. The fact that there is no way to start this over, reset it, get more orbs etc, makes it a softlock in the case something unintentional happens.
Happy Holidays