[SOD][H][Lone Wolf] <Raptor Club of Azeroth>

We are looking for Good People. Solid core from WOTLK. We are active, casual, and social. We value the Person more than the toon. Building a guild that’s fun to play the game with, not just looking at gear. Raids Sun/Thurs 8:30pm Server time
We love friends and family !!!
Sister Guild Opportunities as well for 20 man content !!!


One of us… ONE OF US~~~~~

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Hell Yeah Brother

Bump bump bump it up

I’m interested. Took a break for phase 2 and looking to pick up strong for phase 3.

im looking for what your advertising. hoping the guild does stuff together helps eachother etc. i get bored feeling like i play solo while in a guild. AlterEgo#11805 lonewolf horde. playing a hunter for P3. have a 40 resto/tank shammy to level next, followed by mny 37 rogue.

I got back 2 days ago. I don’t have a lot of time on hand. Somehow i run into a SOD article and decided to get back and check it out. It’s much more fun and easier to play with other people, it’s a MMO Afterall so not intended for solo play. I will double check but i think i am currently leveling my warrior on Lone Wolf and would join up with you good folks.

Sorry for the late reply…Let me know if you are still looking !!!

Raid Leader of Raptor Club here. We need a couple more to fill out our 20 man roster to keep on trucking through phase 3 and beyond. We are 8/8 ST and pride ourselves on being cool and casual without all the hardcore requirements, but getting bosses down on raid nights. It’s a really relax and chill place and there is almost always something going on where the guild is off doing some adventure or another. Hit us up if you want a relaxed group of people to tackle SOD with that have fun doing it! All classes and roles welcome.

Bump bump bump. LGR!

P3 is coming up and we are looking for Good Folks !!! Casual to hardcore…we have a fun place for you !!
Active Discord and in Game !!!

Bump bump!

Where’s all the GOOD folks at…P4 Time !!!

Let’s Go Raptors !!!