[SOD][H][Crusader Strike] <Cursed> Semi hardcore raiding guild recruiting for phase 3!

We are a Semi-Hardcore progression guild focused on clearing every lockout and having a fun time

We want people with a good attitude, people who can pump, and friends to hang out with

We have cleared all of BFD and GNOMER on their first lockouts, and continue to be a 6/6 guild that pushes parses every lockout!

Raid Schedule

We raid WEDNESDAY AT 8:30-11:30 and SUNDAY 8:30-11:30 EST

We are recruiting all classes and roles

hoping to get 2 teams running and clearing gnomer every lockout before phase 3 so we can merge and raid as a 20 man

Prio: Mage Healer, Shaman Tank, Warrior Tank

Contact Info

Bnet - Ritsu#11351
Discord - discord.gg/VDdgegTMPY
Personal Disc - zapper61
Feel free to reach out

really great group to run with! great environment all around!

Still recruiting all roles and classes!

Plz Join us were gigha chad gamers ready to fill in the pve scene i mean kill bosses nothing weird with us parceing/semi hardcore guild. XD