[SOD][H][Crusader Strike] <Breeders> Large raiding community LFM

4x 6/6 Gnomer groups ready for 2x ST groups & working on our 3rd (5th+6th 10-man teams)! Preparing for 20-mans and 40-mans in the future! Need Healers, but accepting all interested in raiding!

Sun/Tues/Thurs, 9PM EST

We’re a laid back guild, a mix of parsers and newer folks, and of course willing to teach folks wanting to play more in the end game of each phase. Our discord is also full of information for each class and spec, as well as runes, talents, consumes, etc etc.

You can message me in game at Rayad, Rayadfarm, or Rayadjr. My discord is @rayadyorc

Bump up. Always looking!

bumping up, still always looking