[SOD][A][Wild Growth][Norrath Casual] Recruiting for phase 3

Wild Growth, Alliance, Casual

We are a group of players that have mostly been together since the beginning of Classic in 2019. Raid leadership has been in World of Warcraft since launch in 2004 and is exceptionally experienced. Core group has been gaming for a few decades in one game or another. Yes, we are a mature group of players.

Don’t confuse Casual with bad. We are skilled players that no longer wish to devote the necessary time to be world first clears, world first parses or world first speed runners. We still get everything cleared, without the overbearing weight, and within a very respectable timeframe. All of our logs are uploaded on Warcraft Logs for you to view anytime you wish.

We are looking for a few additional players to fill in our raid roster for the upcoming 20 man content. Our primary needs are:

Resto Druid
Feral Druid (dps)
Shadow Priest
Ranged caster dps
Warrior (dps or tank capable)

Our loot system is simple, we simply leave it on group loot and expect everyone to be mature enough to realize the loot needs to be spread around. Most of us have been friends for a while, so this has never been a problem.

Our expectations are very simple: be dependable, meaning show up to the raid and perform well enough to be missed when you are gone. That is all that is expected.

Raid times for phase 3, moving forward, will be on Tuesdays at 630pm server time.

Please contact any Norrath Casual player for further information, or Dadjoke for a guild invite. I look forward to hearing from you.


Since i’m dad my self
I am really Interested
gonna contact you guys while i’m home