SoD Warlock Bug

Dear Blizzard,

Please fix warlock pets not summoning at full hp. From everything I can find online they changed warlock pets to go 50% hp after mounting/dismounting in TBC, but in vanilla I see videos of players summoning pets at full hp.

First video at 32seconds, he summons a voidwalker to full hp with fel domination.

Second Video at 5:24, he hardcasts a voidwalker to full hp.

-Relok Living Flame US

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It feels absolutely terrible to respawn in a bg and have to immediately heal your pet on top of rebuffing. especially if your gy is being farmed a weak pet that can die immediately instantly ruins the demonic grace rune for pvp

So i also went and transferred a dead hardcore toon to an era realm, and tested to find that my 29 warlock on era can summon pets at 100% hp (voidwalker/succubus/fel dom)