SoD Server/Faction Population Chart

I mean I get it. You’re bad at WoW and need an environment that’s extremely easy within which to parse.

It doesn’t mean classic isn’t easy and classic parsers aren’t a joke.

Parsing in each game has nothing to do with the other outside of being a shared metric for general performance. Stop it, I’m not talking a walking fallacy bait.

I agree.

Parsing in classic is a joke, because it’s easy. People who take it seriously in classic do so because they need an easy environment within which to parse.

Parsing in retail requires actual mechanical ability. Not just pressing multi shot once in six seconds.

What’s most interesting is how different the numbers now posted on ironforge are compared to the numbers we already had seen.

I think ironforge is only showing very recent data, which might show how much the populations have dropped off:

Notice shows 160k on Crusader Strike US and ironforge only shows 56k.

Living Flame US 85K to 43k

Wild Growth US 66k to 34k

Of course ironforge says atm that it’s data is " Characters raiding at least once from 26 December 2023 to 1 January 2023" which might just be missing a lot of people who weren’t around for the Holidays but haven’t really quit entirely.

None of the population data is accurate because it only goes off unique names that are being LOGGED for parses…

Since Blizzard no longer releases population data it’s the best people can do to get a general idea of population and faction balance.

People would get just as accurate a number by standing in front of the AH and counting everyone walking inside…aka, not accurate at all.

The only thing population data based on logs is good for is viewing raiding popularity and raider retention.

You would think this would make you realize most of the modern wow pop both raids and logs but apparently you can’t grasp that. The remaining player base isn’t some insanely large number buddy and it’s the least impatful group to boot.

Do you want attention, is that it? Too bad :clown_face: