It’s just a pra— uhh, an experiment bro!


i love it - get pwnd

I just got new raid gear, wanted to Wpvp. Think it’s about that time to move on to another game or just wait for cata with resilience.


I was told this never happens and was impossible lol
…and I only claimed to be hit for 1800

This is what makes WoW PvP fun. Burst meta is for bads who want to press 2 buttons and pretend they’re doing something of prestige.

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Can you blame them though? It was marketed to the boomers as “Classic PLUS so much more!” But the playerbase is full of first time WoW players, retail players, FFXIV players.

The feedback you see for SoD makes it seem like Classic players don’t even play the product. Especially on Reddit where almost every complaint post is asking for retail QoL features.


My bis geared lone wolf hunter’s chimaeras crit for 1k4 before the change but it must feel good pulling made up numbers. Now I specced BM and only have to send pet and spam viper sting, great gameplay improvement, I don’t have to worry about missplays anymore when the health buffer is that much bigger and easier to restore.

Fast paced metas have much more skill expression than numbers games.


They cant do that … in wpvp facing mobs and players in same time… dont need to explain

i don’t really want to PVP when it’s like this I would have left it as is, but I’m sure there’s someone out there that likes this change so whatever

they said theyre just testing it for the weekend, chill out

they will make adjustments


50% is just moronic.
Leaving heals as is also moronic.
But then again it’s the SoD ‘dev team’ why would we expect anything better


I think they just need to nerf OP damage abilities like Mutilate and remove the blanket nerf.


They need to realise they are testers playing a beta. That noting here is written in stone.

As a mage, it takes my entire mana bar to barely kill someone 1v1. If I engage someone with 50% or even 75% mana, there is a high chance I lose. If a hunter keyboard turns and uses 1 viper sting on me, I am losing the fight no matter what happens. It’s not fun


They completely broke pvp. I could understand a 10% reduction, but 50% broke pvp. SOD is the only fun version of WoW in my personal opinion, and with pvp being broken, i think it is time to go to a different game until this gets fixed. I main a paladin and im oom after 1 fight due to how long fights are. They over corrected and now the opposite effect has happened, everyone is a damn raid boss now.

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I would prefer the way it was before over this 50% reduction. At least before when everyone did dope damage, fights could actually happen.


You don’t realize it’s obvious they cant separate pvp from pve like retail which makes the balancing even harder. You are trying to keep the PVE people happy and the PVP people happy at the same time when they are two separate entities at the end of the day. What do you think is going to happen? They can’t touch actual abilities they can only make Auras that buff the skills not actually changing the skill because it would mess things up for classic era/hc skills too. I think they wanted SOD to be one big testing ground for everything but then they realized how serious people were taking it. They can only do so much because of all the limitations I mentioned above. How do you balance PVP and PVE when you have to find a happy medium in the middle for both sides? Seems near impossible.

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okay donald.

Crazy to think that a 50% nerf feels 5x worse than the 10 percent nerf they tried earlier. If this sticks i’m quitting the game because my class is worthless. Hitting 200s is easily out healed and even if i blast away by the time my mana is at 0 they’re barely at 50% hp.

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They said they were monitoring it closely and looking for feedback.

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