why bother?
arena brings balance tuning and class/spec homogenization and all this affects gameplay in very sad way
it is common knowledge, confirmed by most diverse sources through numerous expansions and decade of existence
premades take a pause to dodge another premade and queue against randoms
there is no competitive spirit in players
PvP where both sides are without bots. All gear slots available for honor/points not locked behind rating. You put in the time, you eventually get BiS, just goes a little faster if you’re a winner. Rating system solely for matchmaking purposes.
Pretty easy argument really. Vanilla classic PvP participation vs tbc and wotlk PvP participation. Noone wants to PvP in tbc or wrath because everything is skill gated. Vanilla you can suck and still get what you want if you put the time in. Arena and rbgs are a great addition if your end goal is to stop people from pvping altogether.
They could literally make balancing changes that only apply to arenas. Problem solved. And I think you’re underestimating how much people would enjoy this. As I said, complain all you want but arenas have been the most popular form of PvP in wow for decades now. People like arenas, whether it is retail which is rated and more balanced, or whether it is classic which is maybe not rated and definitely not balanced.