SoD Population at an All Time Low

What’s phase 4 gonna look like, fellas? Are we even gonna get it?

Number don’t lie, the “new content” in phase 3 was not a hit amongst the people.


2 of the 3 WoWs just had patches and SoD hasn’t.

It’s not surprising.


Bots running incursions 24/7.
The smart peeps will jump ship to Epoch.

That’s it.


Sod catered to players who just got new games, while estranging players who wouldn’t play those.


Citation needed.

From what I’m seeing on ironforge. pro we have 20k+ players on at least 4 servers the next two lowest being around 15k.

I’ll have whatever you’re on. Make it ten of em. I wanna trip with you.


Correct me if Im wrong but that aggregate doesn’t differentiate between accounts vs characters. Meaning when I log into my 10 toons across 2 accounts that number bloats. I think SoD is on the way out with most players. Classic players feel a sense of scorn because this was supposed to be their version and its not. Retail players dabble but don’t stick around. Cata players are high on hopium thinking that Cata won’t kill the game. (again)

The game is in a rough spot that requires a lot of changes to bring it back in-line with something enjoyable. GM’s across multiple server discords are talking about the massive drop-off and increase in raid logging. Its anecdotal, sure, but just open your guild at 8pm. It will most likely not have 40+ players on anymore. That’s indicative of fatigue.


It doesn’t differentiate between accounts vs. characters. If someone raids on 10 alts each week, it’ll count it as 10 people. So no, the number isn’t entirely accurate but more a representation.

And the best one we have, bloated as it may be.

Regardless, last week was about 2000 raiders less than the lowest recorded thus far (that first week of p3, about).

Population currently at ~30% of peak p1. Some drop-off happens as the novelty wears off, but the trend is each phase loses approximately half of its players.

If it keeps going, next phase even the megaservers will be medium-teetering-on-low population.


The numbers are all we have.

If you have screenshots of the GM’s (legitimate ones) making these comments, I might be swayed into believing SoD’s population is diminishing.

Sure, we lost some to Cata … but they’ll be back in short order. We’ll likely see another drop when MoP drops too, but the game is doing fine.

I’m seeing raids going right now at 1am (west coast) and I rarely struggle to find groups for things at whatever time.

This all being said … I’ll acknowledge the population has dropped a little bit, but nothing to the point in which the OP is trying to proclaim without any form of citation outside of their opinion.


Does it take into account the people who play but don’t raid?
What about people who raid but not in a guild that publically logs or they have their character hidden.


Crazy, this same thing happened to SoM. We went from 20+ 40 man guilds to 10 to 5 to 2 to a DEAD server. It happens fast with this player demographic. Classic players which I assume is the bulk of SoD’s playerbase are more than likely older with stuff to do outside of the terminal online crowd. Its easier to lose them but on the contrary they are extremely loyal if the content and dev team is reciprocal.


They were all let go with the Microsoft merger. Cortana is the GM now


I was shocked today to log onto era and find lots of raids going while SoD is feeling empty with 0 raids. Looks like its time to move back to era. Lone Wolf US is in a dire state right now. I didn’t want to think SoD was dying but it looks like it is. In the end SoD burned out faster than SoM unless something changes very soon.


I don’t care what anyone says, there are less groups going, less incursion groups going, Less dungeon groups going, Less Bots spamming summons to various places, the cities have a LOT less people in IF and SW.

The zones are feeling empty compared to before and I am on CS which is suppose to be the most populated server.

This phase was a mess and people rather then making Alts are just doing something else other than SOD.


Sod had a lot of good ideas to improve wow classic to classic+
Sadly the approach is wrong.
Hopefully they will learn from it and make a better version of classic +


Ya no doubt the population is “lower” than it was since they just nuked LL for all intents and purposes.

Wild Growth seems active as hell… which really makes me realize how dead (in some ways) LL was. Then again I also know some of us were discussing the population on LL prior to the decision that was made.

Plenty of bots. People advertising sleeping bag tours and offer to summon/portal for various amounts of gold. Hadn’t seen any of that on LL for a long time. Well the bots were still around but the other “services”.

edit Oh and of course people advertising raids/recruiting for guilds. Even managed to get cussed out because I dared to be killing mobs that I guess someone else thought should belong to them.


Undead Paladin time.


Epoch wont be launching anytime soon though right?

Personally I guess I don’t even know what that is and if I had to guess off trying a google search I don’t see anything I would jump ship to. Someone in my guild plays a game with “Epoch” in the title… maybe it’s early release or a different game. Which I was wondering when the person you reponded to posted.

For me, and I can’t speak for anyone else, Classic was and always has been about investing in one character,

While the XP buff is nice, I think people playing a ton of alts is dead now that the level bracket for current content isn’t 25 anymore.

It basically takes just as long to go 40-50 as 1-40 if not longer.

I don’t think making leveling faster fixes that either. I think they just need to focus on creating solid content for our mains to do.


It’s another private server to add to the pile of Blizzard imitators.