SoD Phase Roadmap/Schedule

So we have a rough idea


I mean that was pretty much already my assumption. We still have all the content after 60 too. They said theyre capping R14 gear till AQ launch so im guessing we will continue to have phases after 60.


It’s gonna be a long fun year


This roadmap is way too long. There isn’t enough content at 25 and most people are going to quit after the first month with no new content. Waiting for BFD and Ashenvale is not fun, nor is WSG stomps. It feels like too much of the world is closed off and the lower lvl zones are too congested or ghost towns at night with too many layers.

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There were reported numbers that less than 2% (as of a week ago) completed the raid. There’s even less than that who have completed all 12 runes.

Relax, majority aren’t rushing the game like us forum sweatlords.

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