SOD phase 4 transcends the title of Classic and became retail, can we get fresh Era Classic? Hell even TBC idc

Now that there are officially no classic products available to play, can we get a fresh Era?

Cataclysm is retail everyone already knows that, so putting “Classic” on it doesn’t change that fact.

Phase 4 brings SOD into retail, so that’s gone.

TBC and Wrath no longer exist. Era is a fully progressed and developed server.

The only thing we really have is Deviate Delight’s fresh project, but honestly the ruleset they created for it is dumb af so I stopped playing.

We need a fresh era server with server-enforced phasing rules + close all the non-Whitemane servers, it’s pointless even having them.




Yes let’s get a fresh. Blizzard bungled classic+ by adding 85% more abilities than they needed to (and the majority of abilities don’t mesh with vanilla philosophy)

While somehow totally ignoring Azeroth and making content that actually makes you port out of Azeroth.

Clearly the devs are fans of retail and don’t understand what made vanilla so good


SoD has been retail for awhile now :expressionless: since day 1 basically. runes were never a good idea.
please give us era fresh
in before all stupid arguments against it… nobody is forcing you to play, and no, it’s not a huge deal to spin up a new fresh era server. this is not a big ask.


Totally agreed.

The devs only really care about people for whom raid rotation is peak gameplay, who will praise anything that they do as long as it involves this.

So any fun keeps getting stripped out. The devs keep doing this, there are dozens of examples.


It’s not a big ask, but there’s also very minimal return and worth asking if it’s worth the resources.

As soon as fresh is one day old, you’ll already have a split fresher playerbase - those who want a new fresh and those who want other people to play with them (because that is the main thing freshers want - they want Blizzard to round up players to play with them in their preferred way). It’s a losing battle. Fresh is the antithesis of itself because as soon as you fresh, it isn’t fresh anymore. There’s no such thing as a perfect fresh server unless you spin it up and immediately restart it as time by its nature goes on causing fresh to become not quite so fresh.


it’s gonna be worth the resources more than phase 4 SoD lol :expressionless:


Yah it really is the hyper focus on “every class/spec needs to be competitive at raiding”

First thing I would do if I was a dev would be identify which specs should be good in which aspects of the game

For example, any class that can heal and do damage should be a more pvp focused spec (ret, boom, feral, ele, enh, sp) and should be middling to bad at pve


Bro almost no one asks for fresh immediately after a new release, what are you talking about. Most ppl want a fresh every 18-24 months


Well, no. SoD generates more revenue than it costs.

Fresh probably wouldn’t.


citation needed for both statements :expressionless:

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Fresh absolutely would generate money. Sod actually took dev time, fresh wouldn’t

The real reason they don’t releases a fresh is because they are trying to make seasonal a thing. If seasonal is successful they stand to make a lot of money over the years.

A fresh competes which the seasonal server in a way that cata and retail don’t. So they don’t want seasons to compete with fresh


their only “argument” against fresh is pretending that everyone hates it and wants to quit once it’s 1 second old :expressionless: argumentum ad absurdum or whatever dumb logical fallacy it’s called


Maybe Blizz somehow thought classic players wanted a ton of retail abilities?



It’s even more absurd when you consider there has been 3 successful community driven fresh starts. Community HC, influx of new players to whitemane driving it to a full pop server for a time, and now with DD.

Obviously there is interest for a fresh lol


Tbh I think they just got lost in a sauce and had no restraint when developing it.

I’m not even against adding an ability from retail into a seasonal server. The problem is when you add over 100 abilities.

Here would be my pitch for Paladin changes in a restrained season:

  1. Add crus strike, which applies the judge crusader effect

  2. Exorcism and holy wrath effect any enemy type

  3. Grant a taunt to paladins

That’s it. They would be absolutely nutty in pvp but other class buff would keep in line with their power level

A ret pala shouldnt be able to do the same raid damage as a warrior, but this would give them buttons to press.

Crucially I would also alter raid mechanics to make it so every class can be invited to a raid without them needing to do the exact same dps as a warrior. For starters cc’ing during encounters would change raid comps drastically because warriors and rogues cant cc like that.

Could also add certain bosses that have holy + nature weakness, so that atleast 1-2 dps palas/shams are brought

Lots of things to do without needing every spec to target dummy the same number


lol someone hasn’t played retail apparently.

SoD p4 is not even CLOSE to retail.

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bro never played retail before :skull: :skull:

A classic purist OP with other level 60 era toons chiming in wanting SOD to fail. Shockface.

There’s really nothing to argue then. No classic plus version or experimentation will make you happy. I am sorry. I don’t think SOD is anything like retail or cata. And I have no desire to do a pure fresh again. The community ruined that. Plus kinda boring for a third round.


I’d like to see a Fresh TBC server with the dark portal closed. That’d be interesting to play…

A fresh classic server has been done to death.

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