Season of discoveries is about finding out what can work in the era world. Therefore, i’m looking forward to sharing an idea I’ve been tinkering around with in my small green skull. The idea revolves around the introduction of new runes, but with a twist. These runes would be ‘minor’ runes and designed to enhance the quality of life for players of all classes, rather than simply boosting player power or adding abilities. These runes could be equipped on the helmet slot, or any other at that.
Think of the following additions :
We could have a rune called the ''Buff-a-plier ‘’ that significantly extends buff durations. Something that could increase buff time by 200-300%! This means less time focused on buffs expiring mid-battle and more focus on raiding.
Another one could be a rune called the ‘’ Pocket Tools ‘’ that eliminates the need for reagents for certain spells. This would allow for freeing up inventory space and saving gold.
How about a rune called the ‘’ Dual Mind ‘’ that offers dual specialization capabilities. Imagine being able to switch between two specializations allowing players to switch between various gameplay types (PVE-DPS/PVE-HEALS/PVP).
Consider a rune called the "Raid Amplifier " for buffing the entire raid in one cast or even the "Blacksmith’s Favor " to reduce repair costs at repair NPC.
The goal of these runes would not be to overpower characters but would be to improve the gaming experience by adding quality of life changes. QoL is the key focus with these minor runes nothing more.
Ok I know the names sucks, but I am sure others in the community could come up with better names.
Looking forward to your thoughts and feedback on this idea.
**EDIT ** : Thought of more :
A rune that doubles the amount of soul shards a Warlock gets from drain souls
a rune that allow you too keep WBUFF or like that allows you too keep Fortitude/mark of the wild through death or increase warrior shout from 2- too 7-10 min would BE VERY NICE
I want a hunter Tinker. Gnome doesn’t offer hunters unfortunately. But a lot or races can be hunters.
First it’s a chest piece.
Your Tinker set would be enhanced by your Survival, I’d choose BM as my secondary depending on depth you go, but probably to the end.
turns Traps into Turrets.
Explosive Trap now shoots exploding fireballs. Your ground freeze turret freezes the ground, and your iice turret I’ve blockeds one opponent…those are slow turrets just like the trap. But you could add mana or healing torrents.
You would use a main handed weapon with a shield, but just give them their long range attacks. They roll on guns which will shoot but when you get on the mob it transforms into a weapon to mate how your armor transforms.