SOD Paladins are the hero class that can 1v5, Here's WHY

It’s viable sure, but I prefer Seal twisting/Seal stacking

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Very well written and while you are right about paladins being godly in pvp it is not so much the burst as all classes have much more sustained burst in sod. It is the (almost) everything proof shield which allows them to dps without interruption, disarm, or stun.

As for war they really should not be going for the plate and mail classes but should really go for anything else.

SOD dev team clearly doesn’t take account of the Defensive factor To Offensive burst factor Ratios. They don’t actually weigh both defensive factor to offensive factor

The only reason why era is much more balanced (despite being an unfinished work) is because, they actually do weigh in both defensive and offensive. If you have 8/10 defense, you only get 2/10 offense

Here they’re so focused on giving bias to the paladin class, that they actually give 10/10 defense and 12/10 offense, it’s crazy if I’m biased for paladins, the balancing ratios don’t exist

The developer IQ here for balance is just extremely low, they probably wouldn’t even know about balance ratios until they read about this post. The development is more so an emotional bias rather than an intellectual one

Easy to assume I spam Chimera shot without playing the class.

Most fights I open with concussive shot (20% stun chance)
Trap launch
Sting of choice
Another trap
Scatter for cc or peels

Not including a hunters wide array of defensives: Deterrence

i actually saw a shaman 1v15

to be be fair though he was up on a hill

hunter defenses lol , look i respect hunters dps, but not their defense.

Yeah I mean without the gap creator Disengage it aint so good. Gotta go in for the kill otherwise ded

This clip looks like it’s not even during the event, also 4k hp lol. Like it or not paladins are trading something for all this dmg now, their survivability is a bit questionable…

there’s a ton of plate wearers and warlords in his videos

“because his hp is 4k” is invalid, the result is the same with 6k hp

Thats because most of his videos of snap shots of the 2 out of 5 lucky rolls… It’s almost like people only post the good clips and not the bad

Killing multiple players in sequence on a regular basis isn’t luck

High crit rating and high proc rates is normal

Paladins are broken 1000%

It’s not though.
You obviously don’t PvP nor understand much about Paladins.
You’re just a bad player looking for a scapegoat.

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A lvl 11 alt fears a broken class getting fixed

You are delusional, no one is 1 v 5ing anyone in pvp unless you are just terrible or afk. we have been nerfed to the ground and any burst w/ twisting we have is timed within a .4 sec window. where as rest of classes just faceroll their spells/ability’s.

Nobody does 1v5’s except a broken class

i have 24% crit

Btw you have continued to rage for 3 days now about paladin, If you were a dev what would you nerf about paladin?

An all around damage value reduction of minimum 20% at the least, which basically simply means with avenging wrath, you can still 1 shot the average player lower geared than you basically anyone with leather/cloth

but not the warlords and plate wearers, paladins actually have to fight them to win 1v1 and that’s fair rather than killing them in 3 seconds

How about buff paladins damge and remove the t1 6pc that allows ease of seal twisting and double judgment so pally can do dmg and not have to wear pve gear in pvp just to be at the same level as everyone else

Yeah no, paladins set bonus needs to get nerfed as well as the paladin damage values. Once the paladin class is fixed, he’ll need to be skilled to win a 1v1