Trying to understand what happened so we can avoid it next week. The guild was really disappointed not to get a mount and not to get the Mythic clear, even though we had all done so much prep.
- Server: Crusader Strike (US)
- Guild: Corporate
- Character name: Eien
- Instance: Naxxramas
- Log: On WCL - /reports/KhBMvxXNHDVAfyF3
- Video: On youtube - ?v=7Tcmk1gjgq4
- Short description: Last night we cleared every boss in Naxxramas up to Sapphiron on Hard Mode 4 (Mythic). We continued to Sapphiron and KT with 4 orbs enabled, but didn’t get any of the 4 orb mechanics. We got 4 rings from KT, but no mount.
- Details:
- Comparing our Sapphiron log to another guild’s 4-orb kill - /reports/bmnqrp2jxtcGRzZV?fight=1&view=replay&position=1206 - Sapphiron has the same amount of health in both (~38.4 million)
- Comparing our Kel’Thuzad log to another guild’s 4-orb kill, Kel’Thuzad - /reports/PMKwF43GTth7Dzyq?fight=2&view=replay&position=0 - has the same amount of health in both (~47 million)
- In terms of drops from Kel’Thuzad, we got 4 rings, but no mount
- We did not see the the “Glacial Crash” or “Frozen Ground” mechanics on Sapphiron
- We didn’t see the contracting circle on Kel’Thuzad
- After Sapphiron we went back to the orbs to double check, and all 4 were enabled.
- Everyone in the raid had 4 stacks of the “Authority of the Frozen Wastes” debuff for both Sapphiron and Kel’Thuzad
- Every other boss in the instance was killed with 4 orbs enabled. We disabled some orbs for trash between bosses.
Aimedthot hunter here.
Yeah. Confusing and sad.
To add, on warcraft logs, the KT and Sapph kills were counted as “heroic” difficulty and not “mythic” despite the same health pool, 4 ring drop, and additional shoulder enchant drop off Sapph.
Another odd thing, Gothik and 4HM kills were logged as mythic after we converted back to 4 orbs, right before we headed to sapph and KT. Weird how those were not affected.
If this is part of the design, maybe add a warning to HM conversion telling us “If you proceed you cannot convert back to HM4” or something?
Also. We want a mount. Give us 2 next time ;]
Samething happened to us tonight -.- Really upsetting not getting the mount.
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"Thank you for contacting Blizzard Entertainment’s support team, This is Game Master Slylelm and I am here to assist you today 
I truly appreciate the effort your raid group put into defeating Kel’Thuzad on Hardmode 4. It’s exciting to tackle such challenges together, and I understand how much you were looking forward to the mount drop.
The mount from Kel’Thuzad is available in Mythic difficulty. If your group was running the encounter in Heroic mode, that would explain the mount not being available. It might be helpful to double-check the instance settings to ensure it was set to Mythic when you engaged the bosses.
: If any member of your raid had previously completed the encounter on a different difficulty, they would be loot locked and not eligible for the mount drop. Confirming that all players in the raid were eligible for loot can be beneficial.
If you feel there might be an issue with the encounter, I encourage you to submit a bug report through the in-game support system. This helps our team track and address any potential concerns.
Thank you for your understanding, and I hope this information is helpful!
If you have any other questions, need assistance with anything else, or just want to share stories of your next victory, I’m here to help!
Wishing you smooth travels and the most legendary rewards ahead!
For Azeroth!
Game Master Slylelm.
Blizzard Entertainment."
This is the response i got from a ticket… Even with proof of having the 4x authorities of frozen waste. they tell me that if anyone is loot locked–which isnt even a thing in SOD-- that they wouldnt be eligible
Super frustrating. I’m hoping a real person chimes in here