SoD mage leveling spec for non aoe leveling?

Whats the talent spec for this? I have FFB and SFB and BFB and I’m not really sure what to run and all the guides are bad or outdated.

depending on level FFB is faster SFB is safer. BFB while leveling is less niche the displacement and on an individual fight bases more impactful then molten armor. for non aoe just straight damage talents…mage is really straight forward.

what talent spec though?

I used FFB and had no issue leveling up. Im currently lv57. Except for the fact I had to sit and drink after one pull.

What talent spec did you use fire or frost?

Frost. But since I was in a pvp server. I picked up impact and it procs off FFB.

did you grab frostbite or permafrost? My thoughts was rushing down to shatter then going into ignite then back in frost w/ FoF for the shatter procs

I like frostbite for pvp… but if you dont care about that I think permafrost is better especially if you are going to try some aoe farming.