SOD - Lone Wolf US - [H] < Blue Collar Crusaders >

ATTENTION LONE WOLF US! is currently recruiting to fill a few core roles!

Seeking a DPS Warlock, Resto Shaman, Disc Priest and Shadow Priest! However we are considering all exceptional raiders to fill out the 20 man roster.

Raid Times are Thursdays @6pm Server Time (8PM EST) and if needed will post sign ups in discord to finish over the weekend.

Loot will be a MS>OS +2 per raid, giving everyone an ample opportunity to earn loot every week if the RNG gods bless us haha!

We are looking at logs for phase 1 and 2 if you plan to be on the main roster, but are welcoming anyone who wants to prove themselves and just join our community. We are bunch of chill Dads and mature gamers who are out to just have some fun and clear content.

Message me in game @ Deepwar or on discord Deepwar#0116. Or just /who Blue Collar and someone should be on to answer any questions or requests. Thanks, hope to see you join our team!