[SOD] [Living Flame] [H] Reckoning - "Hardcore" Casual recruiting for SOD P3 - No Time Commitments!

Reckoning - Living Flame US for SOD Phase 3
6/6 Gnomergan, PvP events daily for STV / AB / WSG
Playtime: When people are on! Usually every evenings.
Raids: Starts at 9pm EST. We run an SR+1 loot system for raids and use a raid bot signup in Discord for signups (first come/first served)

We are “hardcore casual” guild focused on smart play/good performance, but no time commitment or toxic attitudes. We are looking to expand substantially for Phase 3 to support the 20-man raid and also generally have a larger group of people to play with that have the same goals.

We all have busy lives with day jobs, families, and other commitments. But we want to be serious and successful when we’re on. We are the kind of guild that tries to show up and put in real effort - trying to improve ourselves every raid, trying to find little efficiences we can, and really focusing on being the best we can be while not becoming toxic or overbearing. Name-calling or making people feel bad is not why we game. We game to play with good people, have fun, and try to be the best players we can be.

We run the guild as adults, who try to be fair to people with a democratic voice, and the understanding this is a game and not a job.

If this sounds like you, would love to have you onboard. We currently have open recruitment for all classes. Non-raiders, non-max level folks etc are also welcome.

Contact us on Discord: