[SoD] [Living Flame] |A| <Drinkers of Pee> recruiting for SOD P3

Drinkers of Pee is recruiting two healers and two dps to fill in our P3 raid roster. We are a PvP oriented guild that actively participates in all PvP world events. We are also known for PvPing outside of the raid instance once raid is over, taking over the Ratchet boat, and just having fun slaying horde when we can. We have members from all WoW backgrounds (new mmo players, gladiators, top m+/CE players). We welcome anyone who shares a similar pvp mindset, is easygoing, and can do the raid mechanics.

Raid Time: 9pm ct (will pick a static day that works for everyone with the new weekly lockout)

Recruting: 2x healers and 2x dps (strong pref warrior for at least one). Unfortunately, we are full on caster DPS.

Loot: MS>OS (epic items will only go to the core roster. alts/pugs/fills will not be eligible for epic items)

If you are interested, please reach out to me or our GM Khoopa on discord.

badloop (me)
khoopa10 (GM)