Regarding the hunter SoD quest (for BWL hunter weapons Kestrel and Peregrine) “Everyone knows that bugs can’t fly”, the darter quest appears to be bugged. I’ve been trying to complete the quest for several hours now, but no matter what I do after using Tranquilizing Shot(following quest steps and using Concussive Shot when the “Darter is badly weakened”, followed by a Tranq shot when the “Darter flies into a frenzy” … but this does nothing as of 11/28/24. I’ve attempted to close out of WoW, restart PC/WoW, Google workarounds, disable addons, abandon/restart quest, full UI reset instructed by support, everything. I’m at a loss and I’m tired of beating my head off the wall trying to figure it out. Was a new(another) bug introduced with the new SoD phase, or am I just missing something here? Anybody? Support simply redirected me here… fml.
I am having the exact same issue. I am thinking it might have to do with the change to tranq shot now being usable in melee range. Just guessing that this change is what broke it.
same issue here.
Any chance anyone find a work around?
Blizzard, please address this bug
my ticket told me same thing
with it being holiday weekend i bet we wont see a fix for a while, not like we want our really good swords anytime soon
I’ve waited for those swords since like week 2 phase 5. Finally the receipt drops on the like 10th drop. Yay let’s do the quests as soon as I have time! Nope! Bug time.
Yeah hopefully it’s as simple as being related to the tranq changes.
My Hunter is having the same issue. I cannot complete the quest as Tranq. shot doesn’t seem to do anything after I concussive shot.
Same issue. Been checking every day for over a week now and nothing.
Same issue and the GM directed me here for visibility. Very disappointing
You guys are in the retail bug report section. You want to be posting here
the quest Its Fixed guys, I just completed it
wow SOD - Crusader Strike