SOD is now fully infected with GDKP

yeah that gnome has said to me before that they absolutely do not care if people buy gold in the game, but yet they are 100% against buying legendaries in the blizzard shop LOL make it make sense

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GDKPs dont produce gold.

And no supply and demand is all that matters.

We get it you play era, all your bots left so the demand is higher than the supply and the massive amount of gold on the server is why your prices are so high.

don’t you mean YOUR bots :rofl:

I live in America, why would i BOT?

I make over 6 figures and im really stupid, you think i could figure out botting?

That won’t affect us normal people who don’t pay2win in raids.

But what will affect us normal people is we’ll be stuck with inflated AH prices. You’ll see Copper Bars going for thousands of gold.

RMT sucks. Defenders of GDKP suck.

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And once again just join a non GDKP and get the item for free.

Do you understand how that supply works?

why can’t I be allowed to buy the item off blizzard shop or real money auction house?

Lol no, you have a terrible understanding of economics. This applies to any group that participates in representative value currency.

Just because that article is about ERA (well actually original classic release) doesn’t change the mechanics involved.

I’d trust someone that has been making farming guides for years over a green haired gnome on the forums. Theres clear data that you’re ignoring that The Lazy Goldmaker has analysed to come to their conclusions.

Bro WOTLK Classic literally contradicts everything you are saying.

My server has prolly trillions of gold on it yet raid consumes are like 8g/ea rofl.

If what youre syaing was factually true a potion of speed on my server should be 1000g/ea.

Thats why you swipe lol. It’s qll convenient for you as the the gold in game is backed by the USD. Inflation doesn’t affect you. If items are 10g then you’re paying 50c for 10g if items are 100g then you’re paying 50c for 100g.

you never answered my question, if gdkp is allowed why isn’t buying legendaries off blizzard shop?

I answered it before in 1 of the other threads you asked.

no, you just started talking about pay to win and avoided the question, which is a common theme for you.

So you think a potion of speed would cost 50 copper.

An end game raid consumable is 50 copper lmfao.

Im dead.

I said it would be pay 2 win.

I literally answered this before.

It’s ok, it’s clear that you’re a swiper. Hopefully they catch on and look into your account :wink:

5+ years of gdkps.

Never banned, never suspended.

Trust level 3.

im confused, why do you dislike that pay to win but like gdkp pay to win, oh I remember our convo, I said there were pure buyers who just swipe and afk and you said prove it LMFAO just look at all of the adds for pure buyers on crusader strike lfg

I bet your fine with checking parses/gear/ect … That would make you just like them. You are gatekeeping, they are gatekeeping just from another angle. And the argument of RMT is crap. Cause it will just move to another source in game if you get rid of GDKP.

So, deal with them existing and don’t expect to buy your gear on the AH. Pretty simple really.

Pure buyers in BFD? LOLOLOL.

No in the discord gdkps i do everyone plays there is no carrying.

Why do we need to carry you cuz you have gold when good players have gold?

In the runs i do everyone gets a cut too, there is no afk at the entrance that you keep making up.