SoD Is Great, but What Else Is There to Do?

Hey everyone,

I’ve been enjoying Season of Discovery (SoD) for what it is, but I can’t help feeling like the sense of “discovery” kind of fizzled out after Phase 4. At this point, it’s just Season of Mastery with SoD runes. Outside of raiding, I’m finding myself a bit bored. I’m really looking for something to do here.

I’m fully geared in Tier 2 and working on Tier 2.5, so there’s not much left for me in terms of gear progression outside of raids. PvP is an option—I’m currently Rank 10 and could push for higher ranks—but honestly, the grind feels so tedious, especially as Alliance. It’s just not my idea of fun.

I was thinking of maybe leveling an alt, but SoD’s time restrictions heavily gatekeep alts, making it difficult to invest the limited time I have to play so I had to rule that out.

So, I’m here looking for suggestions. Is there anything else I could sink my teeth into? I do enjoy farming—it can be relaxing to throw on a playlist and go on a mass extinction spree in some zone. If anyone has tips on good farming spots or other fun, engaging activities in SoD, I’m all ears!

For the record, I don’t hate SoD—it’s the main reason I’m still subbed. I’m just looking for something fresh to keep things interesting between raids. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

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the devs killed most of the out-of-raid activities in SoD

during original classic it was very easy to play outside of raid minus the world buffs pre-boon. But now with the way the game, gold, loot, and items operate there isnt much to do. Even the trash in dungeons has had altered loot tables to make farming it not relevant.

collect world buff on-use items? get like 5+ of all of them or pick 1 or 2 and just do turn ins and fly around and get them?

SoD is a raid logging game mode only.

You also have the option of going to farm gold for the overpriced consumes and mats though.

So you farm gold for your raid or you raid or you log

or if you absolutely hate yourself then you que for the most horrendous version of WoW pvp ever to have existed in the history of the game

And that is SoD

I mean there are some things well three things. I think many on sod like tbc as tbc raids are alot like sod so leveling on anniversary is a thing.

You could try to do the .5 quest chain if you have not already. But it seems that while .5 was hot in throughout p4 as the gear was comparable now most dungeon runs I see are for strat live.

Another is to get all the runes for who knows when they might be changed slightly or made well more situational against certain bosses.

You can always go get Winterspring Frostsaber mount and get exalted with Timbermaw while you’re at it. You could go level up fishing, with the new recipes from Silithus, Redgill finally has a real endgame use, and you could make some money off it at the same time as well.

I would just split my time with other games.