SoD is gonna spiral out of control fast

I’m not really worried about balance or perceived balance. I know some of the loudest voices seem to get even louder when they lose in 1v1 consistently to a particular class, but meh…

What I’m actually sort of skeptical of is whether SoD will continue being fun with overpowered characters in an underpowered world. Like, the runes and stuff are pretty fun and cool, but do they make the overall game better?

I think it was a good idea to give paladins a taunt for example, as an experiment into whether they would make decent tanks with it, but did we really need everything else?

This might sound like a negative post about our new shiny toys, and I suppose it kind of is, but I’m still having tons of fun.

Oh, and I just picked up a Ghost Saber. It took me a while to find a cat figurine, but the cat spawned on the first one! I abandoned my scorpid (named Nerf, of course), while the ghost saber was in a Freezing Trap, then cast Tame Beast, but… it didn’t work, and I was out of mana!

Then another hunter came along and started casting Tame Beast! They were just kidding though. LoL good one! Anyway, I should have brought a mana pots, but I didn’t. My mana did regen enough, and I was able to get another cast off without dying, and I got a new pet.
