SoD is dead

At the rune guy in Northshire, I’m all alone…

They’re also in major cities

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Sit there for an hour and give us an actual census

You’re kinda late to the party though. The Alt/newcomer train started a few days ago.

4 new players isn’t a train

In my guild alone we invited 5 new/returning players since last week.
Motivated me to make an alt and I’ve grouped with quite a few other.
The population hasn’t doubled overnight for sure but the rune change appeal worked.

SoD doesn’t need an extra 100k players tbh. It’s fine as it is.


Wild growth aliance side. I counted atleast 10 to 15 new players in elwyn forest. That too at 2 am server time. Keep moaning though. SOD isn’t dying anytime soon

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Another classic andy is upset that people are enjoying SOD


SoD pop feels healthy Crusader Strike (H)


Anyone who thinks CS and WG US are dead servers are just trolls who can’t see people enjoying and having fun in SOD.

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The only time CS has ever felt lonely was the last month of phase 3. Anyone calling it dead right now has never played here actively.

Blood moon event has been picking up again too! Tons of fun. Making 500+g a day selling bijus


They really can’t handle the thought that SoD didn’t implode and reroll into 20th anniversary 20’warriors per raid edition.


It’s funny how these guys got what they wanted(a fresh classic server) and still feel like they have to come over to the SOD forum and sh!tpost about SOD.

I think classic era sucks yet you never see me going over to the classic forum making fun of that 1-2 button game with a bunch of garbage classes. Classic WoW continues to prove it has one of the most toxic and tribal communities on the internet.


Not dead, good try.

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It’s weird how barbaric and tribal people get over whose version of WoW is better. They’re all good at different things.

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