WoW devs in vanilla: Lets give paladin an infinite shield that removes all dots and cc and also makes him immune to all cc! Let’s also give him a free, instant full hp heal! While we’re at it lets also give him a ranged, instant cast 6 second stun! That’ll do the trick!
WoW devs in sod: On top of all the crazy broken s*** we already gave paladins in the base game, lets also give them MORE mobility and burst damage! Let’s also give hunters 12k hp in s*** tier gear and let them be able to literally 2 shot every other class with instant casts!
Fun game! no wonder sod is doing so well right now, amirite guys? xDD
SOD is doing well, new levelers everywhere. Alliance on wild growth is booming. Pug raids everywhere , no problems finding groups for any dungeons.
Not sure about horde tho or the pvp servers
I’m an Arms Warrior and I seem to beat a lot of geared Ret Paladins 1v1 in Arathi Basin and hunters are probably my easiest match up.
Maybe you need to improve?
Why would you play sod for PvP? Lol
A lot of people do, the whiners who couldn’t or refused to adapt to new realities all went back to Era/Fresh.
Like, were you a Mage or Shadowpriest upset you no longer automatically win against warriors? Spoiler alert you still can, it just requires a brain now.
Still better pvp then retail
This horde must play Rogue and wonder why paladins and hunters are beating him. Lol.
Re roll alliance and play vs shammans glhf
can somebody call this guy a whambulance
it could use some love. Outside of tuning stuff like Starfall, better options via crafting for a modern pvp set and weapons would go a long way.
Kefka recommended letting us que from the open world, would be a super nice change.
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Man imagine if he played alliance and had to vs shamans.
Leads to people exploiting join battle out in the world much easier. Instant queues for alliance so it’s not needed
Debatable, Solo Queue Rated BG’s are quite fun.
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Than*… also you’ve gotta be pretty bad at the game to say that Sod has better pvp THAN retail lmao. One shots and two shots. Oh riveting compelling gameplay right there!
bro i can not understand the crying of paladins like jesus they nerfed the 5 MINUTE COOLDOWN shield, lay on hands is A HOUR COOLDOWN i dont get the pally cry when you got boomkins literally one shotting people, rogues perma ccing you, shamans purging every buff and ability you have the ONLY BG people play is AB just sit next to a shaman pallys are useless
Nobody is getting one-two shot unless they’re pretty much a fresh 60.
Going by queue times, I get an AB match on SoD within a couple minutes whereas on Retail when I did try to play it was over 10 minutes just for a basic BG match. You’d think if Retail PvP was any good then people would actually play it.
If you could queue from anywhere more people would queue and we could get sold fun wsg games going again
Hopefully it med rare, I’m pretty hungry. But the leveling is fun hopefully get to do some raiding soon
Hunters are your easiest? That’s surprising, warriors seem to be mine. I can 1v2 em.
I, too, love hyperbole. What hunter in bad gear has 12k hp?
Or in warrior dps gear, lol you have as much HP as a starfall crit