[SOD] Icon for Power Surge when it is triggered by Riptide

At present, the icon is identical to the one before changes were made to the rune; it is baffling that they are now two separate effects which share an icon and remain indistinguishable until you mouseover the tooltip.

Using both Riptide and Flame Shock simultaneously is par for the course when playing solo and it is very counterintuitive gameplay when one must mash keys to find out which effect is presently active.

Tldr: please offer a NEW tooltip for the NEW Power Surge effect so that shamans do not need a Weakaura for it.

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It is really annoying and I havent found a weak aura for it yet. Do any1 found one?

I created a very simple one if you search for Resto Shaman Pack [SoD] it should come up. If you want to make one for yourself, here are the relevant IDs:

Power Surge Damage: 415105
Power Surge Healing: 468526