SOD Hunter tank

My thoughts are to turn BM into an actual tanking spec where the hunter would have an aura that they could toggle on and off to have whatever damage they take split with their pet and vice versa. They already have split damage and healing effects in other iterations of the game so why not let BM have the option for that along with some other tank runes? Seems to me it would solve the issue of a DPS class being able to afk damage by just not having it be a DPS class.

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Why not SV tree be tank spec with aspect of the Gorilla causing threat gen and damage mitigation. The talents in the tree are pretty geared to that point as well as a few from BM for dodge. BM should be more dps and marksman should be able to gain more from the lone wolf rune than it does. Thus giving each tree their own specialties. Not knowing what runes lay ahead, I understand that everyone is flocking to the flavor of the moment. The whole thought behind SoD is to get out of the cookie cutter and make a character that is unique not the same as everyone else because that’s what is OP.

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i want healing shot or a healer pet

They could very easily turn MM into a heal spec. No different from the mage rune applying heal effects.