SoD: Highlord Bolvar Fordragon/Onyixa Event not starting or resetting propperly

Playing Season of Discovery
Highlord Bolvar Fordragon does not reset properly after the Onyxia Event
The guards don’t turn into dragons during the event.
On Wild Growth-US server

The event is almost entirely broken. For something that takes 10 minutes from start to finish and holds up tons of quest turn ins, this needs attention ASAP.

Still bugged 4 hours later. Wonderful.

Hey all, we have a tentative fix coming soon. However, as a heads up, we do need to despawn all of the NPCs involved, which will mean that Bolvar will likely be gone for a few hours until he respawns.

Once he’s back, please reply to this therad and let us know if it’s still stalling!

Still bugged on Crusader strike

Still not working on Wild Growth 22:45

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Where is the ability to transmog rank 12/13/14 gear we were promised would be in at the start of the pvp season two months ago?

Why are you ignoring this? I know you saw the thread because it was posted before you replied to this one, and was like 5th post from the top. That, or you’re literally not paying attention at all. Which is it?

Now Reginald Windsor gets stuck at the SW entrance if the quest is started before the General has respawned.

Update:Got Windsor to walk back to the keep once the General respawn and now Bolvar is missing and it bugged again.

Wild Growth - US Layer 1

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still bugged more then 3 days later

When you say it’s bugged, I need the following information:

  • Is Bolvar present or missing? If Bolvar is missing, then the event will stall. While exceptionally frustrating, this is technically not a bug, as it is accurate to Vanilla, even with his long respawn timer.
  • Where did it stall? Is Prestor a dragon or still a human? Is Reginald still standing is he dying?

Still bugged (Wild Growth Layer 1). No Bolvar for ages, Windsor and Prestor just staring at each other until despawning.

With this many people trying to do the quests, we’ll take any workaround

Still bugged. Onyxia is out in only a handful of days. This is completely unacceptable!

Bugged currently on WildGrowth - SOD - starting The Great Masquerade, following to the keep, Bolvar is not spawned we arrive. Unable to progress at all. Have screen shot but can not attach here

Quest auto failed after waiting for Windsor to despawn

Still bugged this morning on Wild Growth, stopped before getting all the way over the causeway.

We’re continuing to work on this. Players are seeing authentic behavior here, but our goal is to get Bolvar to respawn a bit faster when this event has been initiated.

He also gets hung on the bridge into SW if someone initiates the world buff while he is walking up when the escort is first started. It’s not just an issue with the dragonkin at the end.

Attunements in SoD? doesn’t sound very soda and pretzels to me

Alliance still cannot get this done. Raid comes out in 4 days. How has this not been addressed by now? insane.

Still bugged on Season of Discovery - Lone Wolf Realm. Bolvar hasn’t been there 3 times in a row, attempting my 5th full walk to the keep. Reginald Windsor got stock on the SW Bridge the first time…

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