Not just the same old content recycled year after year. “Fresh servers” in classic is popular right now because people ran out of things to do, so they figure might as well start over again. Bliz… you know what to do next. Classic… but with a content timeline that doesn’t end at phase 7.
We don’t need MoP classic, we need classic with something new to look forward to. Anticipating a new raid or dungeon. Or… maybe even a new zone. Who knows. But not looking forward to something people have already done a hundred times already.
SoD has been a disaster where we get PTR vendors in stormwind and Spriest and Fury sim within 2% in raid settings but the spriest does 300% fury dps with the same sim settings but no raid buffs. For reference, a world buffed BiS fury warrior in vanilla was only 70% more than a ret on wowhead articles using WCLs from 2019 classic. For most of SoD your open-world experience is just getting one shot by some hybrid class or caster. Hunters right now are running around silithis spamming killshot every gcd which does as much damage as a 500 rage execute (5x a 100 rage execute). The team is undermanned and even those they have are rarely qualified to fill the shoes of the 2004 devs. Recently on discord someone asked a dev about why fetish of the sand reaver is immune to ignite and deep wounds but not other dots and a dev literally said “its coded wonky causing the problem and its too hard to fix so this is just the way it will be” lol… Im dead serious (warrior fight club pvp channel). Incursions were terrible, they can’t do basic math and have to nerf its gold income 6x, and just generally its very obvious they cant do classic +.
The seasonal content is enough. You have official classic if you want it and dont have to use private servers. If you want a real classic plus, the modified private servers however will provide a better experience than what blizzard can. Too much DEI hiring and too much corporate shenanigans to get a team that can make a proper classic +.
People roll fresh because there’s something magical and unique about the leveling experience in Vanilla. There’s a reason these people came to play an mmorpg in the first place. Players want that social experience. They want to group up. They want to have adventures.
That all ends eventually and it becomes the same old gear treadmill, where the game becomes a job. You log in, do your tasks, log out. It’s nothing but routine. ‘New content’ sounds good, but it’ll end the same way. Very quickly new dungeons and raids become a min/maxed, toxic experienced that players rush through and then demand more of.
You want a real Classic+? You focus on the things that set Vanilla apart: the social element, World content. I’m not 100% against new dungeons or raids, but they shouldn’t be the focus. It really should be putting the World back as the star of the game. Dynamic, spontaneous events. Not knowing what’s going to happen, or where. A true living, breathing world. That is something that offers a truly DIFFERENT experience. And that’s how it’ll be successful. Otherwise it’s just the Retail experience set in a different version of the game.
And it’ll never happen. It can’t happen with megaservers and layers. And the devs don’t want to put in the time or effort either. Instanced content is the safe, easy design. So that’s all you’ll ever get.
From some of these reply’s looks like I’m wrong, people really do just want to do the same exact thing over and over again. Alright yall good luck but that’s why I didn’t roll on the anniversary servers, I don’t need to experience the same exact vanilla for a 3rd time in a row.
Losing 90% of raid logs over a one year period is objective data that proves him correct that very few people actually like SoD for what it is now currently in the current phase that matters.
If p1 and p2 popularity was enough to save SoD it would still be popular and it is not lol
Exactly, because ppl were excited for NEW stuff in classic. Man i swear yall are the delusional ones, hating on SoD so much but then always in the forums for it. Its kinda funny though
That is besides the point though, at some point during SoD they made something that half a million liked - meaning they have the potential to create it. yes, they screwed up too many times after that.
We need new zones and dungeons during leveling as well. Not just expanded end game content.
We also need minor class adjustments or newer possibilities that aren’t just giving all the classes their wrath era spells (which is what SoD devolved into after P2).
I think Shaman tanking for example is an excellent idea but really all they needed to do was buff talents in the enhance tree to make it viable.