Protect the Lumber on Wild Growth - Horde is looking for raiders to join us in Sunken Temple. We’re looking for players who performed at a strong level in phase 2’s Gnomeregan or in Phase 3’s Sunken Temple. We raid on Fridays at 6pm EST / 4PM Wild Growth Server Time. Our raid is a solid place to host an alt as long as attendance is consistent.
Our most desired roles/specs are the following:
Restoration Druid
Healing Priest
Balance Druid
Shadow Priest
Warrior (dps pref. Can make off-tank work too)
Fire Mage (fire debuff)
Fire Mage (frost debuff)
But we are open to most other classes if they play well.
About us:
Most of us have been friends for 10 years or more with multi-expansion history as high-end raiders. Our demeanor is friendly but we dog on each other frequently all in good fun. Age range is about late 20’s early 30’s, so we don’t do the yelling and screaming thing. You won’t hear aggression or racism in discord. We just want to clear, get the gear, and work on improving our parses each week.
You can find our logs through my character page on warcraftlogs.
Current Roster
Our current roster consists of
Enhancement Tank
Rogue DPS/Offtank
Enhancement DPS
Feral Cat DPS
Melee Hunter
Ranged Hunter
Warlock DPS/Off tank
Warlock DPS
Balance Druid/off spec Resto Druid
Elemental/Resto off spec resto Shaman
Shadow Priest / Off spec healing Priest
Mage Healer
Restoration Shaman
DPS Warrior
In BFD we did MS>OS with no problems.
In Gnomer we did MS>OS for full guild runs and Soft Reserve x2 with MS>OS on items that were not reserved by anyone. This was done in pug runs. Always free roll on fun trinkets and the mount.
In Sunken temple we’ve started with MS>Os but are moving into MS>OS +1 in order to avoid situations in which someone might roll on gear for their friends instead of themself.
Other Activities / Expectations
We are okay if people raid log, but we generally want people to play the game enough to get better items outside of raid if possible. Our general expectations are the following:
Have a raid profession. Whether it’s alchemy, leatherworking, or enchanting. Have 1 profession that benefits you in raid.
Get your STV Items. We run them as a guild for anyone that needs them. A handful of us also grinded it for honor tokens in phase 2.
Get dungeon gear if its better than what you have. We’re happy to run the 3 new dungeons.
Have your required runes. In phase 2 we met many shamans who did not have the alpha rune. This wouldn’t fly in Sunken Temple.
World Buffs: Get your world buffs and some basic consumables at least. We don’t hardass people about this because everyone does this on their own. We’re not crazy about it though: meaning we’re not going to make everyone get song flower for example. But we will remind people when DMF is in town and to boon their raid buffs.
Nightmare incursion dailies are usually run as a group to help get reputation levels up. Some of us grind it, and some of us just do the daily for 1000 rep.
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to reach out.