kek is recruiting!
kek is a hodgepodge of good people looking to clear content in a timely fashion. Formed week 1, and consisting of members from all different game modes of WoW, we have been consistent and competitive. We plan on doing BWL+3 and Hard mode Hakkar week 1 in phase 5.
Raid info:
BWL: Thursdays 630pm server / 830pm EST
ZG: Tuesday & Saturday 630pm server / 830 EST
Thunderaan: Thursday after BWL and Saturday after ZG
Currently recruiting all ranged DPS classes, but prioritizing mage/warlock/moonkin. Our loot system is as follows:
BWL/ZG: SRx2, then MS > OS +1
Thunderaan: SRx1, then MS > OS +1
Accomplishments within SoD:
Sunken Temple:
Realm Rank #19
Realm Horde Rank #11
Molten Core Heat 3:
Realm Rank #44
Realm Horde Rank #19
Whether you are looking to casually clear content, or improve your parses, we are the home for you!
Message our leader (Nonverbal) or any officer in game for an invite.
Or join our Discord located at: