is recruiting members for late night raiding.
We are a semi-hardcore guild with a track record of success. Currently, 8/8 in Sunken Temple and looking to grow to fill out 2 full raid teams. Our aim is to do well but also have a good time.
Raiding Times:
Our current raid schedule is Tuesdays at 10pm server time.
In Sunken Temple we are running Ms > Os. When rolling for tokens we give 1-3 to the top roller to complete their three piece. Epic rings go to healers first. Performance, preparation and attendance are the basis for epic loot distribution as we look onward to future phases.
Looking For:
Laid back but skilled is our goal. People who don’t want to improve are not a good fit for us. The minimum for a DPS while doing mechanics properly is a blue parse. But players should strive to do better.
We are currently looking for more:
DPS (Rogue, Warlock, Mage, Marksman Hunter)
If you don’t see your role above please message us anyways. We will make room for top tier players.
If you are interested in joining us, feel free to message myself, or any members.
If you are a guild looking to merge, please message me and we can discuss the merger.