[SOD] [H] (Lone Wolf) Looking for Raiding Guild, Priest/Warrior/Resto Druid


I currently have 3 characters. Shadow Priest, Arms Warrior, Resto Druid. I would love to be able to focus on warrior for P3 but will still be progressing all 3 characters. I did mythic raid in Retail but recently quit to play SOD. I am up to joining a casual or serious guild, Just tired of Pugging.

Raid times - Sun,Mon,Tue,Wed. any of these days preferred. Sun and Monday I can raid 5pm PST or later. Tue and Wed anytime. I could make Saturdays if its later in the day also.

Current Logs for all 3 characters. I only have been pugging raids. (would not let me post links… Here is each characters name.)

Shadow Priest - Reaçtz (ALT CODE 135)
Arms Warrior - Reactz
Resto Druid - Rèactz (ALT CODE 138)

Discord - reactzz.
Battle Net - Reactz#1962