[SoD] [H] [Crusader Strike] <New Orc City> | Join a community, not just a guild

New Orc City is recruiting for P3 and beyond!

We’re a tight knit community of semi-hardcore raiders competing for both speed runs and all star rankings. Established at the launch of classic from a mix of vanilla vets and our local community of players, we have created a strong group of like minded individuals who enjoy spending time in game and out.

We’ve expanded beyond just those local to NYC, so whether you’re on the hunt for purples or want to kick it at one of our various irl and virtual meetups, we are looking for you!


3x 7/7 raids
Fastest clear: 17:29

3x 6/6 raids
Fastest clear: 21:50
All Stars Rank: Server #20

Phase 3 Specifics:

Raid schedule: Wednesday at 8pm EST (6pm server)

Will expand to a second roster as soon as we have the additional toons/alts to do so.

Clean efficient raids with speed run and TTK activities on DMF weeks

MS > OS +1

Looking to expand our roster to remain competitive in Phase 3. All quality and dependable players are welcome!



You’re an 18+ mature, respectful, reliable, and friendly player with knowledge of their class and a desire to constantly improve.

You keep up with raid strats once presented and will be prepared with world buffs and consumables each raid.

Discord: @salfir @quintessince
In-Game: Salfir, Quintey
Can also be found on the Crusader Strike server discord