SoD Experiment - Disable DPS meters and Logging

The “problem” as many people see it is other people taking a video game way, way, way too seriously. The argument of “i dont want my time wasted” in a enterprise soley based on the wasting of time is laughable at best.

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theres levels to wasting time and as always people like you fail to see the nuance to it.

simply put “wasting time” while also being successful at an encounter and getting rewarded for it is preferrable to “wasting time” and wiping over and over and becoming frustrated at not being able to complete the content.

but ya do go on about whatever youre talkign about.

As an FFXIV player, parsing still exists and FFLOGs is a thing and functions exactly like warcraft logs.
In game you can’t exclude people based on their logs as it is against ToS, but in the game’s group finder system, you can exclude people based on ilvl and whether or not they’ve previously cleared the content.
Still “gatekeeping” in a way. Don’t know if it would be better or worse overall for WoW.

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You may be reassured to know that Im completely aware of the nuance to it.

ok you say this but…

you said this.

so ya either youre unaware of the nuance of it or lying .

which do you want to be?

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Ummm, not sure what you looking for here, but Ill try:

I’m aware of the nuance and bemoaning time wasting in the context of wasting time is an asinine thing to bemoan?

That what you need boss?

Logs are not an add-on

lol i clearly detailed it in my post.

theres nuance to “wasting time” and even what people consider as “wasted time”.

some is more acceptable than others.

simply put , in a game where part of the dophamine hits are killing and getting loot from bosses , not being able to do that is bad in alot of peoples eyes.

not everyone is a glutton for punishment and actually enjoy wiping over and over to a boss cause johnny awesome cant push a button to save his life or press the 3 button rotation that alot of classes have in sod.

theres levels and nuance to it and youre flat out ignoring it to make some stupid point on the internet that means next to nothing for what ? some brownie points from other people who feel like its bad to have standards?

move on kid.

You can deny people in FF14 because of logs, what are you even saying?

You just don’t invite them

Gatekeeping doesn’t exist,you can’t stop anyone from doing the content you can only stop them from joining your group and your group isn’t content.


I wish people would stop saying this. I hate logs and I have multiple 99s.


They can’t conceptualize that people who are doing well within a system can still see the flaws and have ideas for improvement.

Personally I wish logs were opt in versus automatic but it is what it is.


What happens when logs are disabled and folks are now being filtered based on gear instead?

I wouldn’t mind dps meters/logging being banned as an experiment, so long as the rest of my addons aren’t banned.

I don’t think I could play this 20 year old game without some of the QOL addons I use. With zero addons, the rotted, decrepit nature of Classic WoW’s foundations becomes far too clear.

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Yeah, but if you explicitly say “Sorry your DPS sucks so you can’t join” you’re going to get banned.

Didn’t word it very well, but it was more to say that even in FFXIV where you can’t explicitly deny someone based on logs, there will be other ways you can filter. Be it ilvl, completion, or like you said, checking logs and just not telling them that’s why they aren’t invited.

So disabling DPS meters and making logs against ToS in WoW probably won’t accomplish anything.

Why would they make logs against TOS?

Blizzard is literally making the logs.

You deny them just like you do on wow, you don’t respond after you look them up or you just say “no thanks”, you don’t need to tell them why they were rejected.

“LFM Gnomer need all” and then invite the first 9 people that whisper you.

Problem solved.


This seems to be a common line of reasoning in responses to my post. While a valid perspective, it’s also an extreme one. The assumption being made here is that people are either perfect, or terrible. I think it might be important to examine what success in WoW means, or should mean, and in what contexts.

I think this is something that’s absolutey going to be different for everybody, but what it boils down to is measurement. I assert that the curent methods of logging are too granular. People should certainly be welcome to play with whoever they like but the current methods of reasoning that go into those decisions are based on a lack of understanding of the information at hand.

It would be intersting to see how your decisions would evolve if the information prestented to you was less refined and more vague. For example, you seem like you’re interested in creating and maintining a high end raid team. If you didn’t have parses and DPS meters available to you, how would you go about ensuring your roster meets your expectations of quality?

It’s interesting to me that we live in a time where folks now have reason to question the authenticity of someone else’s words. For yourself though, you’ve been trolling my posts long enough now that you should recognize the patterns of my writings. Unless, perhaps, you are the AI… :thinking:

Please correct me if I’m wrong, but they are enabled via an addon making calls to the API (or similar) that I linked in the post you resonded to. I’m not proposing addons be removed, just that the API surrounding hooking into the combat events that the addons used to log combat data utilize.

It’s worth noting that FFXIV does not have this API yet still has tools available for DPS and logging. It’s my understanding that these tools hook directly into the game’s memory and process the game’s code to extract DPS information. This too is against the TOS but people still use them. However, because of the taboo, it’s far less prevalent as a filtering tool in that game.

There’s no question that for very high end play these tools are extremely important. Perhaps the problem in WoW is that everybody fancies themselves a professional player :wink:

I don’t think that’s what the person that you’re responding to said at all.

How does “align with my minimum expectations” turn into the above?


What exactly is the lack of information? I get that not everyone wants to min-max, but compared to 20 years ago, the amount of information available to players is astonishing. BiS gear lists, talent and rotation guides, boss strategies, class discords, etc. You name it, it’s there. There’s zero excuse to not pull your weight nowadays.

A well-known streamer and content creator made a video on parsing culture. In that video, he examined many logs, and he found players dps parsing in the ~80th percentile that weren’t even pressing buttons for several seconds at a time (just auto attacking). Mind boggling.

Sure, logs/dps meters are somewhat one-dimensional, but they’re the most objective metric we have. I don’t want to gamble my 3-day (soon to be 7-day) raid lockout on someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing and doesn’t care to improve.

Another one of these? Really?

This is an entirely invented problem. If you are excluded from a group because of your logs you can make your own group with others that have also been excluded.

No one is keeping anyone else from seeing the content.