SOD doesn't feel like classic+ it feels like retail 2

adding all them spells and not having the mana to cast em but once. Guranteed they start making sweeping changes exactly like retail so you can spam abilities and never go oom.

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Fury prots are barely swapping stances.

Tanking in classic is more annoying, not harder.

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In m+ most mobs have some kind ability you need to know, where to aim it, how to group them , how much to pull, what % of trash you need , how to best group for you group to aoe damage, where exactly they need to be standing.

In classic you throw or shoot mobs, hide behind a wall, and tell your DPS to hold dps while you use DPS keys.

Classic tanking is simply more annoying. All the consumes, healers who are stoned or afk, S keyeres who pull pats, and builds such as fury prot which crush your ability to do much of anything

This is also in classic for anything beyond BWL - but I think I get the general point. If you have any details comparing tank rotations, gear swapping, etc. use that would be cool to read.

As a healer main - there are no afk or sleeping healers in any serious raid. You don’t heal the tank for 2s they are dead if they don’t use CDs.

This is only in dungeons - in raids you generally have a hunter pulling and tanks pickup mobs as they come.

I mean, some people say “this isn’t harder, it’s just [insert-word-here],” but that’s something that actually makes it harder. It’s like when people say, “I didn’t get good grades, but I would if I applied myself.”

Applying yourself is the requisite, and not getting good grades is the proof that you aren’t applying yourself. That’s literally what’s being measured in most cases. Of course some people will not get good grades even if they apply themselves, and some will even if they don’t, but those are outliers.

Anyway, what is it that you mean when you say “harder” and how are you measuring it? If it isn’t more complexity of situational gearing, skill usage, macros, etc. then what other than mob mechanics, precisely do you mean?


New Game Plus has been a topic since 2018

I don’t really understand these comments tbh, for me it’s quite the opposite.

I play some HC for the challenge and the RPG mechanisms that don’t exist anymore in retail, but regarding the world itself I much prefer retail with the huge maps, tons of details and I see people in every zone due to connected realms.
Sure I used to be a raid logger at some point but currently I’m just exploring and collecting stuff which is super fun, there is always something to do. And I love the big puzzles that require community effort to solve.

Vanilla was an awesome experience because it was a mysterious world… back in 2005. Now everything is solved/datamined and there is nothing to do beside grind.

That’s why I’m looking forward to play SoD, it has ‘discovery’ in the name and it still retains the RPG mechanisms of vanilla.

Lol stay mad nerd.

This is the only correct answer.

You are such a LIAR haha

Classic was run through, EVEN WITH HARDER ENCOUNTERS IN SOM, by level 58s and hardly pre bis.

The fact hardcore guilds beat naxx alone should indicate the mind numbing ease of the content.

Which isn’t even true

SoD added 2 new tanks and 1 new healer.

This everyone can tank and everyone can heal discourse is just wilful ignorance

“To the max” you do realize that statement is false, and even if it were true, even if every class could tank and heal, that is NOT homogenization.

Are paladin tanks the same as warriors? Dks? Druids? Correct answer: no, they are not.

Sure it is. In older RPG games classes had certain roles they excelled at. Warriors and druids were the tanks. Certain classes are brought for interrupts/dispels/buffs etc. Giving everyone the same abilities across the board changes the dynamics of the classes. Players might feel like they’ve lost their roles on their favorite classes.
I’m not going to argue whether this is a good idea or not, especially for a time limited game. But it is very much homogenizing.


To preface my comment I’ve only recently resubbed to WoW Classic after playing it for about a month or when it launched, and prior to that I hadn’t played WoW seriously since WoTLK (I dabbled in Cata and MoP, a bit of WoD I think as well but not much). I played Vanilla way too much when it launched, quite a lot of TBC and a good amount of Wrath. So my comment is seeing it through that lens.

I am still unsure if I actually understand what SoD is. So basically the level cap maxes out at 25 and BFD becomes a raid, and classes can now do things they were not originally designed to do, e.g. warlocks can tank, mages can heal etc.?

I mean really, even just thinking about that I’m wondering “What as happened to WoW and Blizzard the past 10 years?” If you told someone back in 2004-2010 that Blizzard was going introduce that in WoW one day people would wonder wtf Blizzard employees are thinking. They would say “Really? Why? That sounds so weird… I can’t imagine that.”

What would make more sense to me for new content for Classic players is Cataclysm but without everything that made it so polarising, e.g. dumbed down talent trees, destruction of the world everyone grew to love, intro of features that made the game less social and more solo-able to a degree e.g. LFR. They should’ve introduced Deathwing and kept the world the same, added in new quests, talents etc. like they did with TBC and Wrath, i.e. they should’ve essentially just created a whole new WoW timeline. Now they’re just repeating history, which is really, really weird.

Who said they are getting the same abilties? Need a source and dont tell me its because of some taunt lmao

Because they all seem to be getting different abilities and tools to me.

Look up…. Whoosh!

Lost their roles to other classes? Like that isnt and hasnt already been a thing? Things change and class balance changes. To say that more tank classes and 1 more healing class would be the reason for them losing their role is just silly.

retail isn’t retail because of class mechanics

retail is retail because of game systems

this will feel like a better gameplay version of vanilla

servers still have identity, people within those servers still have a reputation

the magic about vanilla isn’t that ret and boomkins are a meme, it’s all the social structures that aren’t destroyed by retail (mythic+, mythic raiding, crossrealm etc etc


I’m not debating whether it’s a good thing or not. Giving classes other class’s abilities leads to homogenization. It’s a simple fact.
Also, SoD now has its own forum to debate changes in.

I’m happy you approve. Remember though, better is subjective.

They arent getting other classes abilities though? Because it becomes a tank doesnt mean they are getting other classes abilities.

Once again, not homogenization.

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