Please get off twitter for 5 minutes.
This is a very very unfortunate system. So far it goes against the spirit of what classic players want in SOD.
No one liked having a seperate set of gear for raiding Heat 3 MC.
Now we’ve gotta gear up specifically for only inside Naxx.
Weekly Caps on the Trinket is THE MOST RETAIL nonsense ive ever seen.
wtf dude.
Please stop ruining the main event everyone is here for.
I feel like you’ve seen how the Timeworn system was well-recieved and youve just gone ballstothewall with the next system and have taken it way way way too far.
Losing a trinket slot for Borrowed Power is dog^%%
Having to catch-up with trinkets for alts is dog$%#^
Replacing AQ loot with Craftables is dog#$%@
Farming weekly capped trinket points is dog#%^$^
AQ loot being only relevant in Kara is dog$%^#
All this effort and it wouldve been better if you just didnt do it.
But how else is Blizzard going to artificially increase the content if they don’t put a system in place that forces you to take the ‘easy route’ (Normal mode) first before going the ‘hard route’ (Hard mode).
The goal is likely that you’d clear Naxx on ‘normal’ for a week or month then begin progressing into ‘hardmode’ on certain bosses until you had enough gear to switch completely to hardmode.
This system will likely pad Naxx’s “shelf life” a month or two before most are “p8 when?”; pad as in beyond the normal shelf life a raid tends to have in SoD.
So how many weeks do we get with the max rank trinket if phases are only 8-9 weeks long.
Do we need to hit week 7 to see our full potential?
It’s really as simple as, SOD players dont want retail mechanics.
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The goal would be to make it take almost as long as the Phase. That way, just as you’re finishing, the next Raid Tier (if there is one) is set to release “in a couple of weeks”.
It’s not the mechanics that are to be blamed. They are just a symptom of an existing problem: Content Locust.
They either need to make a lot of content or make what content they do make last. One costs money, one does not.
Don’t worry, folks on twitter are letting him know. He didn’t create this system though, so I wouldn’t be too hard on him. He likely can’t adjust course on this system even if he wanted to, he’s just the only responsive dev. Aggrend should probably get the flak for this.
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i mean the simplest solution is just make a coreforged/dragonic equivalent with sanc gear
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i can’t talk about other classes but ret paladin with 4 piece tier 2 + 4 piece tier 2.5 is perfect. If we add the new shoulder the class perfect ++.
I can’t imagine a better itemization for ret than they did for p6 tbh, just let us choose the old tier sets and we don’t need more, just add more stats to t3 and “sanctified” thing to increase our power 1% per piece while in naxx only. problem solved.
If anything decrease the sanc gear limit to like 4 or 6 not 12. 12 is just way too much and requires you to basically scrap gear from previous raid tier.
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Don’t worry little brother of the light, Lardbwithu won’t let paladins suffer I promise.
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I don’t understand wtf they’re doing here. This is borrowed power slop and I thought they learned their lesson in retail a few years ago but apparently they need go through the same thing on SoD too? This entire system looks so alien in classic and I’m genuinely shocked that Mr. Spirit of Classic Aggrend would green light this.
Yeah man I hate having to grind new items. I want previous raid items to remain BIS so I don’t have to change anything. Do you even hear yourself
The change they announced of the cap changing to 8 pieces of sanctified gear instead of 12 doesn’t help or fix anything. Delete this system.
It sounds like you want to play retail where every patch is a gear reset. Go play that.
Most gear should be getting replaced with a new phase its called progression. If more then 1-2 pieces of gear are still bis after 1-2 phases then there is an issue.
yep it sounds like you want to play retail
Guess i’ll go back to raidlog cata
cata players not welcome here
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My bad I want to grind the new dungeon/invasions instead of just sitting on last phases gear. I know playing the game sucks
its not even about the new gear being BIS, its about the old gear being WORTHLESS because of the sanctified mechanic. They couldve made T3 able to be coreforged/draconic and itemized everything well and most stuff from naxx would be bis anyways.
Sanctified is LAZY and against the idea of classic.