[SOD] Basic pet commands bug (hunter)

Some specific pet commands used on macros are NOT working:

/cast Growl
/petautocaston Growl (also for Bite and Claw)
/petautocastoff Growl (also for Bite and Claw)
/cancelaura Prowl

I believe there is more, however some other similar commands are working just fine, like:
/petdefensive, /petpassive, /petautocaston Prowl, /cast Prowl , etc.


Bump this post.

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Nice, we are now in P4 and all of these commands still NOT working!

In addition /petautocaston Prowl and /cast Prowl that was ok before, are now also bugged.

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can we get some attention on this? command macros still arent working for pets.

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It’s been so long and the problem still hasn’t been resolved, nor have we received any attention.

Why it’s so difficult to fix simple basic bugs ? we try to be patient but we keep being ignored