With the introduction of the AB BG in Phase 2, one of the most sought-after rewards for grinding to exalted is the tabard. In SoD, it appears this quest is locked to level 60. I’m sure this is just an oversight, and the wonderful developers understand how much of an incentive this tabard is to the overall AB grind.
Please make this available at level 40.
bro, are you exalted already?
Yes, just hit exalted and am unable to find/do the quest at 40.
Make this available!
Please fix this ASAP Blizzard! Must be a simple change to alter the quest level. -UNOWNABLE
Was really disappointed that it’s not there as well. BIS tabard.
Will have to settle for wearing my Warsong Battle Tabard for now.
It’s not hard if you get good groups with discord for STV. An extremely solid group can be raking in 1k coins with good luck on the boss spawn.
Every person you see with an STV mount? If they spent their coins on lumber instead that would be 1/2 of the AB grind.
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please make this avaliable already
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I just hit Exalted after days of grinding hoping for the tabard and its unavailable, wtf… why was the wsg tabard obtainable but not the AB one? Isn’t next phase supposed to be AV? im so let down…everyone was saying theirs no reason to do ab beside the tabard bc nothing new was added for exalted, confirmed doing bgs in sod is for NOTHING.
I got the green mechanostrider from gnomer. Was a travesty I can’t equip my matching exalted AB tabard. Blizzard still asleep in bed!
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Speaking of which can we get exalted city tabards next phase? That’d be pretty cool.
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It has always been a level 60 quest why would anyone expect it to be available at 40
Just hit exalted today as well solely for the purpose of the Tabard… couldnt figure out why even the quest and/or vendor for tabard was not available . Please make this available. Was such a grind to not be rewarded properly. Thank you!
same reason they added higher level runes from later versions… make the tabard available too!
Just hit exalted also but i am more disappointed because of gear.
Caster gear available only for mages, warlocks and priests.
Why no gear for boomies and elem shamans. Idk. It’s something from the old wow times
Bump for attention
Need tabard access at 40
please blizzard! BIS tabard and one of the most sought after rewards
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