SoD acolyte's note

Seasons of Discovery, as a orc warlock i did the Acolyte’s note in tirisifal glades, got the rune but the note stayed in my bag. Now I can’t get rid of it, everytime I try to destroy it i get a “That Item can not be destroyed” in the middle of my screen :frowning:


Same issue!

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Same issue as well. The item can’t be destroyed, it has no sell cost so it can’t be vendored, and talking with Carendin Halgar again and choosing the option associated with the rune doesn’t remove the Acolyte’s Note.

Effectively it’s taking up a bag slot forever.

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Same here :frowning:


Same here but I’m undead.


same - orc


Same on Undead.


Same UD lock, got rune note stuck around. -1 bag space in just what I needed next to my shards.

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Clearly there is another use for the note at some point in the game

Same here, very annoying

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Same issue here

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have they said anything about a fix? I still locked out of that slot :confused:

it’s been 2 weeks, still no fix?

I was able to delete the item. I put it in my bank and once there was a hot fix for it, i went to my bank and just deleted it. But could of swore there was a fix by the second tuesday / reset.

Fixed it a good while ago

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nice, thanks