SOD Account Restrictions: how can Blizzard help new players who are affected?

You’re either not understanding the issue people are having, or are being intellectually dishonest, so I’ll try and break this down for you, one last time:

The Restriction for ANY and ALL accounts less than 30 days old is affecting the new/returning player experience by essentially locking PAYING players behind a 30 day free trial.

What this means is, you pay Blizzard, and if you haven’t played since 2017, or are making a new account to play with your friends? Well, sucks to suck, dude, because your account can’t access premium features for 30 days, they didn’t tell anyone that they were doing this until a week into the implementation. And no, you can’t get your money back.

Why can’t you get your money back? Because Blizzard consistently hits you with the same message, REPEATEDLY ignoring your requests, simply citing “We changed the TOS, LOL”

Either figure out WHY people are upset, or don’t bother with the commentary, because making (assumedly) uneducated remarks about a problem you’re not having and don’t understand is going to really upset people, especially those of use who forked out for 3 months of game time, and are now screwed out of their money, because Blizzard will not acknowledge them.


I do wonder how many people in this thread whose accounts are still restricted have paid only with tokens since 2017. The new terms specifically state that the game time must be paid with real money.

It could well be that I am not understanding the issue.

Is this different from what the issue is?

Does the automated refund option not work, or has it been more than 24 hours since you purchased and wanted a refund?

Hey, feel free to say and post whatever you’d like, but like you’re not the boss of me, and you’re not my mom. You also don’t pay my sub, so…

In any case though, good luck sorting your issues out. I probably have much less sympathy for you now than I did before but hopefully you got to vent a little and feel better.


If this is really done to combat bots and rmt why are new players account age and purchase history not taken into consideration?


Hey everyone, I can confirm that you can enchant gear through the non-tradable slot on the trade screen even between two restricted accounts. I’m not sure if this is a recent change or if that was never restricted.

So if any new players are deciding on a new profession to work on in the next 30 days, consider enchanting.

It is the same issue Snipy; the terms are that you must have purchased and consumed at least 30 days of game time. That is to say, the restriction applies to someone who just purchased a sub and has played for less than 30 days.


i did lol havent logged on since i saw the new policy knowing id be restricted i have no motivation to play this game lol

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Thank you! I am a first time noob to WoW and was introduced by my friend who has been playing almost 20 years. We were shocked at all the things I suddenly couldn’t do. I paid to play and suddenly so many fundamental features I had been using were taken away without warning or explanation.

Instead of writing code to recognize and flag bad actors, Blizzard decided to punish new accounts indiscriminately. This arbitrary security theater is so lazy.


Gave me back depression lol

Came back to introduce friends to wow after reminiscing about the old days and we actually decided to play a few days before this update.

I am usually someone who plays multiple characters and do all professions on all of them. Since I cant access my very old account (and your support dosnt help me at all either, even after giving a crapton of infos, even gamekeys and bills from like 2006) I made a new account as did my friends of course.

Now sure, we can still play, but we started playing with FFA loot so we can just relax and spread out a little while questing. Now we cant trade eachother gear or whatever others found during their offline play and all. Its just very inconvenient.
So basically I am the “established” player in my group but i cant do anything about it either.

So we stopped playing over time and I just am sad.
Yes im dealing with depression almost all my life; not having much joy in life etc.
Yes im trying new things since a decade but playing multiplayer games is just my cup of tea

Now im actually having fun again gaming and here is that.
Sure lets wait a month, of course not, Im very certain me and my friends wont come back to it lol

Aight there you have my feedback and I will move on with my life lol


Reminder that every forum account pretending to be a new player in this thread is actually just a botter trying to protect their IRL gold money flow.

Blizzard did a great job with this.

Good troll

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So incredibly based I can’t believe this is real. Someone pinch me.

Botters in absolute shambles rn. A month is far more than enough time to get the bots flagged and banned, all without any of their botted gold making it into the economy.

I think you need to add in /played requirement as well though, a botter could just buy new accounts then let them stew for a month before beginning to bot on that account.

Adding a /played requirement means that even after a month is up, they still have to bot for some amount of time before being able to mail their illicit gold, which will hopefully give us and the system time to flag and ban them before they can unlock the mailbox.

Legitimately this is the first time I’ve ever felt like Blizzard is actually interested in stopping bots.

Edit: Look at the frequent poster list for this post. RN we have 191 replies, the bulk of which came from, what 12 people? We are looking at less than 10 people who cared enough about this restriction to come discuss it on the forums over the last six days.

Meanwhile, countless thousands ands thousands of bots were just nuked from orbit. Thank you for your sacrifice, legitimate New Player. Try to understand that this is for the greater good. You are a temporary casualty in the war against bots, and your sacrifice is heroic.

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nonsense, you’re just another person who will defend the company no matter what the cost. It’s easy to talk when you’re not the one experiencing the restriction. The biggest problem here was never the restriction, but rather it happened without prior notice after I had already paid for my month.

They increased gold rewards for the entire game. Reduced cost of mount. If you guys have been questing there is literally no reason she couldn’t afford a mount. I get it sucks. But you will live.

50 gold is to much for a one time fee for dual spec? You think 50 gold is going to make people swipe for gold? On a server with what triple gold rewards from quests?

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Starting to get that your wife and daughter are actually your other bot account vibes.

Bingo lol

Bots and botters in absolute shambles rn. You love to see it!

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The community reaching out to you who are legitimate PAYING players who want their restrictions lifted should be helped. You can easily look up purchase history and find ways on a CASE BY CASE BASIS to validate their accounts.

I made an EU account because I moved here and am encountering this issue. I have an NA account 18 years old on the same BNET account. I fully expect you can validate me as a player with this, and do the same for other players in a similar situation.

Our tickets are submitted, Blizzard. If you can’t fix the bot issue on a large scale, you can listen to the ‘small percentage of the player base’ affected and fix this for them.

Vanilla Sod, but they consider an account not touched since before 2017 as new and add these restrictions. I finally convinced my bf to come play with me on SoD but he hasn’t played wow since wrath and this has happened to him. Thought the whole point of the game mode was to bring those people who loved vanilla back to the game???

90% of the game is left untouched by this being added.

I can tell you as a returning player, I have very little desire to keep playing. Joining a group for a dungeon and not being able to perform one of my class’ basic functions of providing water for everyone makes it a very uncomfortable and awful experience for everyone. I’ve had my account since launch of WoW and it’s completely zapped all the excitement and motivation I had for finally returning to classic.

People insinuating that people like me might somehow be a bot for posting here need to touch grass immediately.