SOD | A | Wild Growth <NOSR> LF Casual Raiders for P3 | Thurs/Sunday 8:30pm EST

NOSR’s core group is made up of a group of people who raided together in OG classic & we’re looking for more raiders for P3 content in SOD.

We’re sort of a goofy bunch that like to have a good laugh while also making sure we set aside the jokes for long enough to get the content done. We come from a wide variety of backgrounds & span across all ages.

Our approach is generally to be good enough to make it through the content at a reasonable pace. We are currently 6/8 in ST, but have been able to get that far with only 19 (and 2 of them PUGs).

Raid Info:

  • 8:30pm every Thursday & Sunday
  • Soft Reserve loot system, MS > OS

Classes/Specs Needed:

  • DPS: Warlock, Fire Mage, Rogue, & Shadow Priest.
  • Healer: Resto Druid / Priest

Discord Server:

If you join the discord server, feel free to send a message to Roosterikke & we can chat more.