Social Experiment... Pug MC using group loot

What if we did a social experiment? What if we ran a PUG MC where loot was set to group loot. the Raiders would be on the honour system to only roll on things they could use.

I dont care about MS vs OS like if you can equip it you can roll need. This would include all BoEs, cores, ingots ect.

Assuming a competent group to start with what do you think would happen:

  1. how many bosses in would it get before someone rolls need on something they cant use?
  2. Could a raid like this finish the run assuming the only reason it fails is from someone breaking the honor system.

Remember the assumption is that the gear/skill level is capable of clearing all of MC.


dps mage inv sir


I think it’s not a matter of IF someone is going to ninja but WHEN.

  1. You might not even make it to a boss. If Arcanist Bracers (hovering around 1300g last time I was on Anni) I bet multiple people who don’t need it will get roll need. I need gold semantics ensue.

  2. Yes, it’s possible.

In this community!?

Does that make me sound old? Hahah.

There’s just no way I’d do it in this community, with a totally random group. Which is WILD considering, just a guess, this community on anniversary realms is probably in the 30 - 45 year old range mostly.

Community sucks now. :frowning:

Every Rogue, Hunter, and Paladin rolls on a binding if it drops lmao

BoE epics would be treated like all BoEs everyone need

why? what is the point? :expressionless: i’ve never been in a master loot raid where the guy just steals stuff and exits. is this common on anniversary now?

to my knowledge no one has ever done this in modern classic. This is a social experiment on how you think people would behave.

personally I kind of want to run one when I get to 60 just to see how it would go

it hasn’t been tried because it’s impractical. ask yourself this: would you rather trust 1 guy on the internet with the loot, or 39 guys on the internet with the loot? :expressionless:

Honestly I don’t see any half way competent raid leader wanting to put their reputation at risk to run a pug group loot MC, it’s simply to easy to have some pug cause problems, and most successful raids thrive on reputation. Not really sure what the point of doing it would be either.

basically did this for the entirety of SoD and it was fine.

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Yeah 40 casual acquaintances won’t steal from each other. Great plan OP.

And yet theres an endless supply of ninja looting videos from 2005 on.

How could you not like the M-M-MEGASERVERRRRR

3k population from Vanilla? PSSSHH, LETS JUST JAM THEM ALL ON ONE SERVER.



Get your megaserver TODAAAAYYY shippingandhandlingnotincludedsideeffectsincludehorriblecommunityblistersswellingheartpalpultationsninjalootersdungeonditcherslayerslackofmorales.



I mean just do normal pug dungeon rules, BOE’s are open roll for everyone.

No one is going to roll on something they can’t use

Yeah, bad idea. These aint the gamers of 20 years ago. People would roll need on everything because they could.

So wish this would be turn, but honestly its not that uncommon to see people rolling on things that they should never be using, but roll because they think it might be an upgrade.

Yeah that would be ridiculous.

On the older type of server this could work. I used to run an alt raid and we just used the ingame dice rolls because I couldn’t be bothered with another loot system. It was need if you need it, otherwise greed (basically). It was completely fine, never had an issue that wasn’t easily and quickly resolved.

I am not as confident on this megaserver. A lot easier to be a scumbag in 2025, which is sad. That said, if you had some good people you re-invite them and build up a roster of regulars it would be fine to do that.