Social Contract & Mature Language Filter

The filter is for parents of kids.

Ehhhh… Okay. I’ve met I think two “kids” in my time. One was 10 and the other 11. Now I’ve been the teenager on the game, and I’m the dad now too. This is a tough one, and kind of goes beyond just language. I know you could never enforce an age requirement for WoW. That’s more on the parent. That’s a whole different animal to be honest. Without going to deep into it, my threshold for parental discretion in terms of language is fourteen. At least when I was in school, that’s when mature themes like To Kill a Mocking Bird and Midsummer Night’s Dream started being taught. As for children children, like 3-12… I’m not going to tell people how to raise their kids, but I would strongly recommend not allowing them access to this game in that bracket. Or if you were going to, remove the chat window entirely and play with them.

From that perspective, I mean I can’t say how many parents actually govern their kids profanity filter. Maybe that’s more of a thing than I think it is. Only going off my teen experience, most teens’ parents back in the day didn’t care or didn’t understand what we were even doing. Specially at 3am on a school night while their in bed. lol.

I guess we do agree on at least some points. We have the same goal just some different views on how to get there.

Yep. It’s a tough one. But we do need something different. Every unsub in the past four years for me has been directly related to player interaction. Classic was wild I’ll just say that. I’ve never seen a more toxic game than end of BWL / Start of AQ Classic.

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i got a 1 week ban from retail and classic for telling a spammer to be quiet while at the same time questioning their mental capabilities.

This is what got you. You made personal insults against someone and depending on what you said that can be pretty bad.

Don’t do that. I was chatting with a spammer in retail chat tonight who was all bent out of shape that I said “rather than debate him folks, just right click report the spam and it will mute him for your game session”. It resolved the issue for most, but boy did the spammer not like it. (was advertising carries). Had I said something about his mental ability though I would have earned a vacation. Keep personal insults out of it.


The “social contract” is just the TOS without the legalise. It literally is no different than the stuff you agree to every patch.

And it is none of your business why someone might turn the filter on or off, still against the rules to use that language. There is a time and a place for everything in the real world.

Yeah that’s a recipe for disaster. An auto system used by ai which no matter who develops it will still be bad. I certainly don’t see how that could possibly go south real fast /s

This make zero sense. They’re the same. Period.

Sure. Go write that coding up and let’s see how that goes. Especially considering it would have to cover whispers, private channels, be able to determine what exactly is said in context and why, etc.

You’d have to remove so many words and iterations of words that you might as well just turn off chats entirely.

Your idea wouldn’t work. At all.

No. You can’t. Because people find ways around it. Context of usage of words is important, as well. Someone says they don’t condone something and the system sees a word and deletes. So they figure out how to get around it. And then others wanting to use the word or phrase get around it, too.

Completely irrelevant to literally everything you’re arguing and THAT has been said time and time again if you had read your own thread. But I guess, as you said:


One is not the same as the other lol

Negative social credit score for lack of paragraphs.

Oh no a negative social credit score! Whatever will I do!? /s

Not buy a home in China.

Ah shucks.

Screw that. First one, banned. There’s no place for that in WoW. And no one does it accidentally.

OP be like

This make zero sense. They’re the same. Period.

You should study up on the philosophical thought experiment called The Ship of Theseus. Period.

Sure. Go write that coding up and let’s see how that goes. Especially considering it would have to cover whispers, private channels, be able to determine what exactly is said in context and why, etc.

You’d have to remove so many words and iterations of words that you might as well just turn off chats entirely.

Your idea wouldn’t work. At all.

It’s not even my idea, it’s literally used everyday across millions of discord servers. This answer is another lazy cop out from a lazy person. With an attitude like this the game would never get any updates ever. Absolute worst reason I have ever heard in regards to development. Oh nooo… it would be hard… hard work is haaaard. I dont wanna do hard woooork. Yikes.

No. You can’t. Because people find ways around it. Context of usage of words is important, as well. Someone says they don’t condone something and the system sees a word and deletes. So they figure out how to get around it. And then others wanting to use the word or phrase get around it, too.

More lazy answers. They game is too dynamic, which means its too hard to do. Hard things are too hard, we can’t do hard work. Double yikes. Your answers are literally “I’m too lazy to work, you figure it out. It’s never going to work though, so why bother.” Either your incredibly nihilistic or incredibly lazy, either way, after this I won’t be wasting anymore of my time on your lazy unimaginative answers.

Completely irrelevant to literally everything you’re arguing and THAT has been said time and time again if you had read your own thread. But I guess, as you said:

lmao. wow. Don’t even know how to respond here. This is a prime example of why you need to read before you speak. Triple yikes.

To sum it up. Here was the point. Here is you. WHOOSH!!! Right over your head.

while i agree, sometimes frustration gets the better of you- especially when you’re 47 and have no filter in real life. also i don’t see how saying a word that isn’t vulgar or racist should be treated much more harshly than say dropping an F bomb.

if this is the case, we should be banning everyone who calls hunters “huntards” because the 2nd part is the word i used…
(see how huntarded that seems?)

That’s… that’s not what I’m advocating. Can I offer you an egg in this trying time?

Worries me that we can’t simply live by the “Be nice” stuff, and get warnings if people are handing out harassments etc.

If we need these extremely specific rules, I say we’re going too far.
I also should not be “forced” to help strangers when I - PAY TO PLAY THE GAME - .
If you paid for my time; Sure, I’d help them.
When you aren’t; Not my issue.

If I make a key and someone joins that and is seriously ruining the key by lacking ability to play; It’s not my job to boost them for free.

This entire thing is just way off, imo.

Nobody is ever going to force you to answer questions in chat, help someone you see fighting a mob, etc. The first part of the “new” document is a set of suggestions about how to be nice in an MMO. We have the same sorts of tips in the loading screen now.

None of that is enforceable. The enforceable part is the language/spamming, cheating, etc. The same stuff we have always had. The “contract” is nothing but a reminder of existing suggestions and rules.


I don’t need a philosophical thought experiment to reread a set of rules I already read last year, thanks.

That’s nice, WoW isn’t Discord. And Discords still have moderators. And Discords still have people the get around filters.

You need to take a step back and think about this company, its budgets and how this game works. You spend the money to do this and you still need the same systems on top of it. That’s a waste to pay double for something like this.

So you’re just going to throw more insults and not have a conversation.

Alright then. Goodbye.

None of that is enforceable.

I think that’s where the confusion is coming from. It’s being worked into a new social contract. Blizzard may have intended for these examples to just be suggestions, but now that they’re written into a contract they somehow seem more binding. When they’re in the loading screen they’re just tips and suggestions. When they’re part of a contract that you have to agree to in order to log on, they gain more weight. It would be like joining a car club, and they heavily suggest in writing when you join that you help change flat tires if you see someone struggling on the side of the road. It’s not required but you feel inclined to behave that way out of fear of losing your membership instead of doing it out of pure goodness. Just feels different. Feels controlling. I should want to do these things just because that’s what you do, not because it’s written in a contract and heavily suggested.