I like hanging out in Discord doing random things in Game. not really into raiding anymore just LFR lol.
I like doing
Mythic Plus
xmog runs
helping people do things in game/guild
(disclaimer do not expect Pro gameplay from me XD)
best way to get ahold of me
game mail: Icyphoenix-DarkIron
discord: ICY_since1988#9598
LF guild
best way to get ahold of me
game mail: Icyphoenix-DarkIron
discord: ICY_since1988#9598
game mail: Icyphoenix-DarkIron
discord: ICY_since1988#9598
Not sure if you are interested in starting on a new server but I run a casual and social guild on dalaran horde side and we are always looking for more to join us.
Dalaran server
The ancients misbehaving guild
The ancients misbehaving is a guild of folks who want to be a part of a social and casual guild.
Our goal is to have fun in the game so we are looking for others who want to make friends in game.
We have folks who like to pvp, do mythic and mythic+ and old content for achievements.
We raid Wed and Mon from 8:30 to 11:00pm est. We are not a hardcore progression raid group so if that is what you are looking for we are not that. We are looking for folks just want to have fun getting bosses down. We are not always first of fast and we don't want drama.
We are also a lgbt friendly guild!
If you are interested contact Jenkayah Battlemom#1568 and we can chat
Dalaran server
The ancients misbehaving guild
The ancients misbehaving is a guild of folks who want to be a part of a social and casual guild.
Our goal is to have fun in the game so we are looking for others who want to make friends in game.
We have folks who like to pvp, do mythic and mythic+ and old content for achievements.
We raid Wed and Mon from 8:30 to 11:00pm est. We are not a hardcore progression raid group so if that is what you are looking for we are not that. We are looking for folks just want to have fun getting bosses down. We are not always first of fast and we don't want drama.
We are also a lgbt friendly guild!
If you are interested contact Jenkayah Battlemom#1568 and we can chat