SoC (Season of Complaining)

Seriously p1, 2 and now 3. It’s nothing but complaining 24/7.

This is an MMORPG. it’s not meant to be 100% balanced and fair with everything. We got more QoL’s on SoD than any other version of WoW. You do not have to be #1 DPS every phase.
You do not have to be the best PVP spec/class every phase.
Not every class needs an immunity, heal or crazy defensive. Not every class can aoe farm. and thats OKAY.

Stop complaining. Let people use these forums for actual discourse and valuable opinions. 100% of all the complains all have solutions btw.

I’ve literally never seen a community complain more about a game than on SoD. SoD is perfectly fine, y’alls mindset however, is not.


Do you think the complainers are conscious of their complaining?


the noobs of 20 years ago never grew up. Yet, they’re “older and better player now” lol.

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Maybe all the years of practice makes them better complainers?

That’s exactly my complaint tho. I hate QoL.

It would be ironic if this post were complaining about complaining…


Well…hmmmm…and there ya have it.

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this i can get behind lol

i see what you did there but these forms of “complaining” are completely obsolete to one another.

You two sound like you had to walk to school up hill both ways. That is made ya better people, and the young ones today wouldn’t understand what real work was.

Edit: Bare foot.

Edit edit: In the snow!!!


wow devs used to say they ignored forums for balance decisions and i cannot think of a better example of why they were right than sod forums


Your post feels sorta complain-y.


If you cut my pvp damage in half out of the blue. I am going to complain and unsub.

No I just like my games to have friction.

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It’s mostly just here.

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Checks OP’s class - confirms is a priest - nothing to see here, move along.

facts big dawg :white_check_mark:

Can’t believe you forgot about the part where it was a 10 hour walk both ways aswell, smh kids these days wouldn’t understand…

Making a post like this isn’t any better.

Seriously so many manchildren. The crazy part is that some of them are parents and act like this.

This is why we needed real id added to the forums, would cut all the complaining and smart a$$ comments down

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Then good news, ERA is right over there.

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