Soar nerf big sad

Just look at this, blizz pls no. :frowning:


Dear OP,
I’m betting that right now Blizzard is regretting even making a soar racial.


Oh look …. another one.


There was 11 seconds difference between the nerfed/un-nerfed speeds. Not as substantial as I was expecting

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I don’t care what the top speed of Soar is, just so long as it’s the SAME as dragon-riding top speed. I do not want soar to be inferior to dragonriding in every single way; it’s already on a 5-minute cooldown, and you have only one charge of gaining altitude and surging forward. Why nerf its speed, too?

and another thing that all the linked vids fail to demonstrate is that in order to get a really good top speed, you have to launch from a very high elevation. So sure, it LOOKS like soar is so much faster than flying mounts, but instead of starting the soars and flying mounts at the same position, maybe you should start the timer upon zoning into uldum via portal; that extra time to get up to a soar point should factor into the calculations too. add that in, and i’m willing to bet that 30-40 seconds difference between soaring and mounts evaporates rather quickly.


Don’t need to. I think you need a time machine that brings you back like a week to when this was relevant.

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Great, so then unnerf it


it’s only alpha. might get deleted before release still.

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Why it’s just a dumb racial nothing more

The racial just should have been no mount needed for DR.


I find it funny how entitled that guy Maximum is talking about how no one asked for that change and it doesn’t make sense. The guy isn’t a game dev and thinks he knows best… all that attention has really gotten to his head.

The reasons perhaps for this change is that dragon riding itself is specific to the Dragon Isles, whereas the racial can be used anywhere right?

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Just because he shares his valid opinion and concerns doesn’t make him entitled.

And he’s absolutely correct, the nerf doesn’t make sense and is unwarranted.


People just want to complain about anything at all, it is 11 seconds shaved off, its not doom and gloom its almost right in the middle of what it was, and normal flying mounts.

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Yes now we can all pet battle equally :+1:


I hate that they changed this.


All the more reason not to nerf it if it’s just 11 seconds.

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I love how an OP ability get renamed “fun”, of course it’s fun, when is being OP not fun?

If they didn’t nerf it, we would have no tanks because everyone would be “forced” to roll a dracthyr.


Maybe that would force Blizz to give Evokers a tank spec XDD

People getting upset over an unfinished product that was changed in development. It’s like getting upset over a car being able to do 200mph getting capped at 120 by the manufacturer during the testing phase.
The racial might not even make it to the live game, or they might be making a toy that functions like the racial on a longer cd. Could be they’re bringing dragon flight to old mounts and don’t want them as fast as the DF mounts and the change was future proofing.
No one remembers the forums when EMFH or Arcane Torrent were nerfed?
It could be they’re even encountering accessibility issues with people at max speed.
Regardless speculation is speculation and the devs have their reasons.


I understand why they did it - why should only one class get to have such an incredibly impactful racial when every other race and class does not have that at all? Problem is, this nerf is a hamfisted and dumb way to deal with that issue. Its another example of Blizzard being anti-fun and kneejerking towards nerfs always.

Why not add dragonriding for everyone in old zones? What possible benefit is there to restricting it? If Evokers get something cool, just let everyone use the mount! That retains the cool feature of Evokers having the unique flight, and allows everyone else who doesn’t want to play Rdps/Heal or doesn’t like the class to have fun too. I hate feeling like I am missing out on a major game mechanic like Flight just because I wanna keep playing Rogue or Monk.

Blizzard, let everyone ride their special dragons anywhere in the game world, and let Evokers use their racial. At full speed.